Smaller range of tolerance, or narrower ecological niche makes them more prone to extinction
Specific food requirements (bamboo)
Less ability to adapt to new conditions
Larger range of tolerance, broader niche makes them less prone to extinction & more likely to be invasive
Broad food requriements
High adaptability
K-selected species
Few offspring, heavy parental care to protect them
Generally have fewer reproductive events than r-strategists
Ex: most mammals, birds
Long lifespan, long time to sexual maturity = low biotic potential = slow pop. growth rate
More likely to be disrupted by env. change or invasives
R-selected species
Many offspring, little to no care
May reproduce only once, but generally reproduce many times throughout lifespan
Ex: insects, fish, plants
Shorter lifespan, quick to sexual maturity = high biotic potential = high pop. growth rate
More likely to be invasive
Better suited for rapidly changing env. conditions
Survivorship Curve
Line that shows survival rate of a cohort (group of same-aged individuals) in a pop. from birth to death
Faster drop in line = quicker die-off of individuals
Slower drop in line = longer avg. lifespan
Type I Survivorship Curve
Mostly K-selected
High survivorship early in life due to high parental care
High survivorship in mid life due to large size & defensive behavior
Rapid decrease in survivorship in late life as old age sets in
Ex: most mammals
Type II
In between r and K
Steadily decreasing survivorship throughout life
Type III
Mostly r-selected
High mortality (low survivorship) early in life due to little to no parental care
Few make it to midlife; slow, steady decline in survivorship in mid life
Even fewer make it to adulthood; slow decline in survivorship in old age
Ex: insects, fish, plants
Carrying Capacity (k)
Highest pop. size an ecosystem can support based on limiting resources:
Habitat (nesting sites, space)
Overshoot: when a population briefly exceeds carrying capacity
Ex: deer breed in fall, give birth all at once in spring; sudden spike in population = overshoot
Consequence of overshoot: resource depletion ex: overgrazing in deer
Die-off: sharp decrease in pop. size when resource depletion (overshoot) leads to many individuals dying
Ex: many deer starve with too many new fawns feeding in spring
Which diagram of carrying capacity is theoretical? Which is more realistic?
Figure 1 is theoretical, and Figure 2 is more realistic
Describe relative population changes in a predator-prey relationship.
Population fluctuation cycle
Prey population increases due to low predator population
Predator population increases due to higher prey population
Prey population decreases due to higher predator population
Predator population decreases from prey die-off
Population size
Total number of individuals in a given area at a given time
Larger = safer from population decline
Population density
Number of individuals per unit area
High density = higher competition, possibility for disease outbreak, possibility of depleting food source
Population distribution
How individuals in pop. are spaced out compared to each other
Random (trees)
Uniform (territorial animals)
Clumped (herd/group animals)
Sex Ratio
Ratio of males to females
Closer to 50:50, the more ideal for breeding (usually)
Die-off or bottleneck effect can lead to skewed sex ratio (not enough females) limiting pop. growth
Density-Dependent Factors
Factors that influence pop. growth based on size
Ex: food, competition for habitat, water, light, even disease
All of these things limit pop. growth based on their size; aka - small pop. don’t experience these, large do
Density-Independent Factors
Factors that influence pop. growth independent of their size
Ex: natural disasters (flood, hurricane, tornado, fire)
It doesn’t matter how big or small a pop. is, natural disasters limit them both
Biotic potential
Max. potential growth rate, with no limiting resources
May occur initially, but limiting resources (competition, food, disease, predators) slow growth, & eventually limit pop. to logistic growth, or carrying capacity (k)
Exponential growth
Calculating population change
(Immigrations + Births) - (Emigrations + Deaths)
Age Cohorts
Groups of similarly aged individuals
0-14 = prereproductive; 15 - 44 = reproductive age; 45 + = post reproductive
Size difference between 0-14 & 15-44 indicates growth rate
Larger 0-14 cohort = current & future growth
Roughly equal 0-14 & 15-44 = slight growth/stable
Larger 15-44 = pop. decline
Population growth of an extreme pyramid (age structure diagram)?
Rapid growth
Population growth of a moderate pyramid (age structure diagram)?
Slow, stable growth
Population growth of a house-shaped age structure diagram?
Stable, little to no growth
Population growth of an age structure digram that’s narrowest at its base?
Declining population
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Average number of children a woman in a population will bear throughout her lifetime
Higher TFR = higher birth rate, higher pop. growth rate (generally)
Replacement Level Fertility
The TFR required to offset deaths in a pop. and keep pop. size stable
About 2.1 in developed countries (replace mom & dad)
Higher in less developed countries due to higher infant mortality
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
Number of deaths of children under 1 year per 1,000 people in a population
Higher in less developed countries due to lack of access to: health care, clean water, enough food
Higher IMR = higher TFR, due to families having replacement children
Factors in IMR Decline
Access to clean water
Access to healthcare (hospitals, vaccines, vitamins & supplements for moms &Â babies)
More reliable food supply
Factors that affect TFR
Development (Affluence): more developed, or wealthy nations have a lower TFR than less developed nations
More educational access for women
More econ. opportunity for women
Higher access to family planning education & contraceptives
Later age of first pregnancy
Less need for children to provide income through agricultural labor
Gov. Policy: can play a huge role in fertility by coercive (forceful) or noncoercive (encouraging) policies
Forced or vol. sterilization
China’s 1 (now 2) child policy
Tax incentives to have fewer children
Microcredits or loans to women without children to start businesses
Affluence and TFR
More access to contraceptives & family planning
Ed./econ. opportunities require time, leaving less for raising children
Lower IMR = lower TFR
Female Education and TFR
More education = fewer unplanned pregnancies
More education = more job. opportunities for women
Alternative to marrying young
Malthusian theory
Earth has a human carrying capacity, probably based on food production
Human population growth is happening faster than growth of food production
Humans will reach a carrying capacity limited by food
Technological Advancement
Humans can alter earth’s carrying capacity with tech. Innovation
Ex: synthetic fixation of Nitrogen in 1918 leads to synthetic fertilizer, dramatically increasing food supply
Growth Rate (r)
% increase in a population (usually per year)
Crude Birth Rate & Crude Death Rate (CBR & CDR)
Births & deaths per 1,000 people in a population
Calculating Growth Rate
(CBR - CDR)/10; should always be expressed as a percentage
Rule of 70
The time it takes (in years) for a population to double is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate
Factors that increase human population growth
Higher TFR → higher birth rate
High infant mortality rate can drive up TFR (replacement children)
High immigration level
Increased access to clean water & healthcare (decrease death rate)
Factors that decrease human population growth
High death rate
High infant mortality rate
Increased development (education & affluence)
Increased education for women
Delayed age of first child
Postponement of marriage age
Standard of Living
What the quality of life is like for people of a country
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Key economic indicator of standard of living
Total value of the goods & services produced
Per capita GDP is total GDP/total population
Life expectancy
Key health indicator of standard of living
Average age a person will live to in a given country
Increases with access to clean water, health care, stable food sources
The process of economic and social transition from an agrarian (farming) economy to an industrial one (manufacturing based)
Pre-industrialized/Less developed
A country that has not yet made the agrarian to industrial transition
Typically very poor (low GDP)
Typically high death rate & high infant mortality
High TFR for replacement children & agricultural labor
part way through this transition
Decreasing death rate & IMR
Rising GDP
completed the transition
Very low DR & IMR
Very High GDP
Stage 1 - Preindustrial
High IMR & high death rate due to lack of access to clean water, stable food supply, and healthcare
High TFR due to lack of access to:
Ed. for women
Contraceptives/family planning
Need for child agricultural labor
Little to no growth due to high CBR & CDR balancing each other out
Stage 2 - Industrializing/Developing
Modernizations brings access to clean water, healthcare, stable food supply
IMR & CDR decline
TFR remains high due to
Lack of ed. for women & contraceptives/family planning
Need for child agricultural labor
Generational lag ( takes time for ed. & societal change to spread
Rapid growth, due to high CBR and declining CDR
Econ./societal Indicators
Low per capita GDP
Shorter life-expectancy
High infant mortality
High TFR
Low literacy rate & school life expectancy for girls
Stage 3 - Developed/Industrialized
Modernized economy and society increase family income, so TFR declines significantly due to
More ed. opportunities for women
Delayed age of marriage & first child to focus on ed./career
Access to family planning & contraceptives
Slowing growth rate as CBR drops closer to CDR
Econ./societal Indicators
High per capita GDP
Long life-expectancy
Low infant mortality
TFR, near replacement level (2.1)
High literacy rate & school life expectancy for all
Stage 4 - Post-Industrialized/Highly Developed
Highly modernized countries that are very affluent
TFR declines even further as families become more wealthy and spend even more time on educational & career pursuits
Increased wealth & education brings even more prevalent use of family planning & contraception
CBR drops lower that CDR & growth becomes negative(pop. decline)
Econ./Societal Indicators
Very high per capita GDP
Longest life-expectancy
TFR, below replacement level (2.1)
Highest contraceptive use rates