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League of Nations
An international organization founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1920 with the aim of promoting peace, preventing conflicts, and ensuring collective security after World War I.
The period during which the League of Nations was established and ultimately dissolved.
January 10, 1920 - April 20, 1946
Peace and Conflict Prevention
The primary goals of the League of Nations, aiming to discourage aggression, encourage cooperation, and improve living and working conditions worldwide.
Permanent Members
Britain, France, Italy, and Japan, who had the power of veto in the League of Nations.
Temporary Members
Non-permanent members elected by the Assembly for a three-year term in the League of Nations.
met five times a year
discuss and resolve disputes between members through discussion
The assembly of the League was…
representatives from each member country would recommend actions to the Council, meeting once a year
Permanent Court of International Justice
The court responsible for peacefully settling disputes between countries.
responsible for keeping records of meetings, preparing reports, and assisting other bodies of the League.
International Labour Organization
aimed at improving working conditions worldwide
Mandates Commissions were responsible for:
overseeing Germany's old colonies and allies under the control of the League
ensuring that France and Britain acted in the interest of the people.
Refugees Committee
focused on helping refugees return home or find new homes after World War I.
Slavery Commission
A commission within the League of Nations aimed at abolishing slavery worldwide and assisting mistreated workers.
Health Committee
A committee within the League of Nations that brought together experts to work on public health and disease prevention.
Achievements of the League of Nations,
return of prisoners of war
assistance to refugees
efforts to abolish slavery
improve health
enhance working conditions.
Why was the LoN a failure?
lack of funds, racism, and the inability to solve certain problems.
Specific instances of conflicts that arose during the League of Nations' existence, including Vilna, Upper Silesia, Corfu, and Bulgaria.
Complete agreement among all members of the League of Nations.
The power to forbid or reject a decision or proposal within the League of Nations.
Collective Security
Agreements between countries for mutual defense and to discourage aggression.
A set of 26 articles or rules that all members of the League of Nations agreed to follow.
A theory of international relations that focuses on the hope that nations will act together to solve international problems and promote peace.
Washington Conference
Corfu Crisis
League fails to act decisively in Italian/Greek dispute in 1923
Bulgaria Crisis
League acts decisively in Greek/Bulgarian dispute in 1925
In what year were the Locarno Treaties signed?
When was the Young Plan introduced?
When was the Manchurian Crisis
When was the Abyssinian Crisis?
Article 10
Collective security: all members defend others from aggression
When did Germany join the LoN?
When did Soviet Union join the LoN?
September 18, 1934
When did the Manchuria crisis take place?
Sep 1931-1933
What happened in the Manchuria crisis?
The Japanese, who owned a railway in China, blamed Chinese nationalists for an explosion and used the opportunity to invade Manchuria
What did the League do about the Manchuria crisis?
The League appointed a commission led by Lord Lytton to investigate but he did not get to Manchuria until April 1932 and did not report until September 1932
What was Japan’s response to Lord Lytton’s report?
In 27 March 1933, Japan resigned from the League
What was the background of Italy when Mussolini came to power?
Mussolini establishes fascists, after strikes, protests, and land seizures. King asks him to form government, popular with public works programs, corruption, and armed forces
Why did Mussolini want to invade Ethiopia?
Revenge for the Adowa war in 1896
To rebuild the Roman Empire
Mussolini wanted the mineral resources available in this part of the world
When did the Abyssinia crisis happen?
What did the League do about the Abyssinia crisis?
Economic sanctions; sanctions on gold, steel and grain.
What was the Hoare-Laval plan?
A secret plan to offer Mussolini most of Abyssinia in return for a truce in the Italo-Ethiopian War.
Who was Haile Selassie?
Emperor of Abyssinia