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Protoliterate Period/Uruk (Sumerian)
White Temple and Ziggurat of Uruk (modern Warka), 3300 BCE, mudbrick and gypsum plaster
Protoliterate Period/Uruk (Sumerian)
Female Head (Inanna), Eanna precinct, Uruk (modern Warka), 3300 BCE, marble
Protoliterate Period/Uruk (Sumerian)
Priest King Hunting Stele, Uruk, 3300 BCE, relief carved basalt
Protoliterate Period/Uruk (Sumerian)
Uruk/Warka Vase with presentation of offerings to Inanna, Uruk, 3300 BCE, relief carved alabaster
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Silver Vase of Enmetena, Girsu, Iraq, 2400 BCE, silver and copper
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Statuettes of Worshipper, Square Temple at Eshnunna, 2700 BCE, limestone and alabaster, inlaid with shell and black limestone
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Votive Statue of Enmetena, ruler of Lagash, from Ur, Iraq 2400 BCE, black diorite
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Female votive statue, from Nippur, Iraq, 2550 BCE, greenstone and gold, lapis lazuli, and shell
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Victory Stele of Eannatum (Stele of the Vultures), Girsu, 2450 BCE, limestone
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Dagger and sheath of Meskalamdug, Royal Cemetery of Ur, Iraq, 2550-2400 BCE, Gold with lapis lazuli handle
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Helmet of Meskalamdug, Ur, Iraq, 2550-2400 BCE, gold
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Headdress of Queen Puabi, Ur, Iraq, 2550-2400 BCE, gold, lapis lazuli, and carnelian
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
The Royal Standard of Ur, Ur, Iraq, 2550 -2400 BCE, lapis lazuli, and red limestone
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Bull-headed lyre (parts reconstructed), King Meskalamdug’s Tomb, Royal Cemetery of Ur, 2550-2400 BCE, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, bitumen, wood
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
Cylinder seal of Queen Puabi, Ur, Iraq, 2550 BCE, lapis lazuli
Early Dynastic Period (Sumerian)
The Ram in The Thicket, Royal Cemetery of Ur, Great Death Pit, Ur, Iraq, 2500 BCE, wood, silver, shell, red limestone, lapis lazuli, gold
Akkadian Period
Head of Akkadian ruler, from Nineveh, Iraq, 2250 BCE, early bronze or copper alloy
Akkadian Period
Disk of Enheduanna, Ur, 2300-2250 BCE, alabaster
Akkadian Period
Victory Stele of Naramsin, found in Susa, Iran, but originally from Sippar, Iraq, 2250 BCE, limestone
Neo-Sumerian Period (Third Dynasty of Ur)
Statue of Gudea holding temple plan, Girsu, 2150 BCE, diorite
Neo-Sumerian Period (Third Dynasty of Ur)
Statue of Gudea Standing, Girsu, 2150 BCE, diorite
Neo-Sumerian Period (Third Dynasty of Ur)
Stele of Urnammu (restored) Ur, 2100 BCE, pink-buff limestone
Neo-Sumerian Period (Third Dynasty of Ur)
Ziggurat of Ur, King Urnammu (patron), 2100 BCE, mudbrick