Use this study set to prepare for the upcoming Constitution exam at D39C.
What is the Bill or Rights?
The first 10 amendments
What does the legislative branch do?
They make the laws
What would happen to a law if the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional?
The law would be dead
Who has the power to forbid the passage of a law?
The President has the power to forbid that
Who is POTUS?
President of the United States
Who is SOTUS?
Supreme Court of the United States
Which branch of government resides at this building?
Which branch of government resides at this building?
Which branch of government resides in this building?
Who who is FLOTUS?
First Lady of the United States
Who can serve a maximum of two, 4-year terms?
The President can serve that many terms
Extra: If both the Vice President and the President die, how many years can the vice president serve after taking over the President’s position?
10 years of being president
Laws that are not granted nor forbidden by the court are given to…
The State receives them
The Constitution forbids Congress to set up a new…
In order to be president, you must be at least 35 years old and…
You must be born in the U.S.
What is the annual official counting of the people of the U.S.. called?
It is called the census
The Constitution forbids states to…
Coin money
What is the typical number of supreme court justices?
9 supreme court justices
Who appoints the positions on the supreme court?
The president appoints the members
If both the vice president and president die, who becomes president?
The Speaker of the House becomes president.
What is the length of the president’s term?
4 years is one term
What is not permitted by the Constitution?
Forcing people to pay a fee or take reading test to vote
The Constitution does not grant the right to…
Smoke marijuana
Every person born in the United States of America is considered a…
Citizen of the U.S.