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Modes of selection
Effects of natural selection on the distribution of a trait
3 modes of selection
Directional selection
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Directional selection
Fitness increases/decreases with value of a trait(one phenotype favored over another)
In directional selection, the mean value of a trait does what after selection
Example of directional selection
Alpine sky pilot flowers
Stabilizing selection
Selection favors intermediate traits
Does stabilizing selection change the mean value of a trait
In stabilizing selection, variation of continuous traits is
Example of stabilizing selection
human birth weight
Disruptive selection
Selection favors extreme phenotypes(two at once)
In disruptive selection, individuals with extreme phenotypes have
Highest fitness
Does disruptive selection change the mean value of a trait
In disruptive selection, the variation of a trait does what as population divides into two groups
Disruptive selection may lead to what
Example of disruptive selection
Bill size in black bellied seed crackers
Out of the three modes of selection, which are common and which are rare
Common: directional, and stabilizing
Rare: Disruptive
Smallest independent evolutionary unit
Microevolution operates and changes allele frequencies where
Within species(not between)
Essence of speciation
Lack of gene flow
4 species concepts
General lineage
Biological species concept
a species is a population of organisms that interbreed with each other but are reproductively isolated from other groups
prezygotic reproductive barriers
Prevent mating or fertilization from occurring
examples of prezygotic barrier
Geographic barrier, behavioral isolation
Habitat isolation
populations live in different habitats and do not meet
Temporal isolation
Species breed at different times
Behavioral isolation
different mating rituals
Mechanical isolation
Morphological differences prevent fertilization.
Gametic isolation
Sperm of one species cannot fertilize egg of another species
Postzygotic isolation mechanism
Preventing hybrid zygote from developing into fertile adult
example of postzygotic barrier
Infertile hybrid
reduced hybrid viability
Hybrids that have lower fitness and may not live to adulthood
Hybrid breakdown
First generation hybrids are fertile but offspring of this gen are sterile(low viability)
Biological species concept is not applicable to what
Not applicable to asexual organisms
The biological species concept is difficult to what
Difficult to apply in the real world
Sometimes, species only interbreed where
Hybrid zone
Biological species concept is also not applicable to what
Not applicable to extinct organisms
Morphological Species Concept
Defines species as sets of organisms that look similar to each other
First problem with morphological concept
Descriptions of characteristics are subjective
Some morphological characters may not reflect what
Evolutionary history
Convergent Evolution
Organisms evolve independently to acquire similar traits
Morphological species concept is not applicable to what
Cryptic species
Cryptic species
species that are morphologically identical but genetically distinct
phylogenetic species concept
Defines species as smallest group of individuals that share common ancestor(monophyletic group)
Monophyletic group
Contain all descendants of a common ancestor
Phylogenetic concept can be applied to fossil and living forms if what is known
Phylogenies are often what
Different genetic markers may infer what
Different evolutionary relationships
The cutoff for a species is often what
Different species concepts use different what to define species
Species criterion
General lineage concept
Species are evolving meta population lineages(each species evolves independently)
As two lineages separate, multiple species concepts come into conflict during when
Early stages of speciation(Ex: mutated flowers with different colors may be different species morphologically but not phylogenetically or biologically)
General lineage concept attempts to do what
Unify all species concepts