AP US History Doctrines, Plans, Policies, Compromises, Bills, Act

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Reagan Doctrine

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Reagan Doctrine

described the Reagan administration for supporting anticommunist overt and covert strategies

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Truman Doctrine

(1947) Requested congress to for money to support Greece and Turkey from totalitarian regimes

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Monroe Doctrine

(1823) Warned Foreign nations to not interfere with the Western hemisphere, the US would come to aid targeted nations

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Stimson Doctrine

US response to Japan’s violation of the Open Door policy

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Marshall Plan

(1947) aka European Recovery Plan; aimed to aid countries for four years

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Eisenhower Doctrine

Allowed Middle Eastern countries to request military and economic aid from the US

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Open Door Policy

US and other European countries declared China be available for all trading with everyone.

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Missouri Compromise

The decision to draw the 36’30’ line the allowed for slavery in the south and no slavery in the north. Maine became a free state, and Missouri became a slave state

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Compromise of 1850

5 Parts: Admit California as a free state and open Utah and New Mexico

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Compromise of 1877

The agreement that southern Democrats will vote for Hayes if they remove troops from the South

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Wade Davis Bill

(1864) Lincoln declared that southern states could readmitted to the union is 10% of male population took an oath to recognize the freedom of former slaves

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Sherman’s Anti Trust Act

Trust busted, allowed the government to dissolve monopolies

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Interstate Commerce Act

addressed the problem of railroad monopolies by setting guidelines for how the railroads could do business (Vanderbilt)

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Navigation Act

Only allowed America ships to send goods to the Britain

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Proclamation of 1763

Established after the French and Indian war which banned the settlement of colonist past the Appalachian Mountains because Britain wanted to avoid conflict

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Coercive act

aka Intolerable act (1774) the acts which punished the colonies for the Boston Tea Party

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Jay’s Treaty

(1794) To get rid of Britain on the Western Frontier and stop British impressment (kidnapping US soldiers for British use)

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Pinckney Treaty

(1795) Alliance b/w Spain and the US to open up the Mississippi River valley to duty free trade

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Treaty of Paris

(1783) ended the America Revolution and America was independent

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Alien & Sedition Act

(1798) Signed by John Adams; to deport aliens and censor news paper of government slander

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Kansas Nebraska Act

(1854) to divide Nebraska territory into two and allow settlers in each territory to determine whether or not to allow slavery → led to citizens traveling to the territories to sway decision but became violent (Bleeding Kansas)

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Teller Amendment

(1898) Part of Congress resolution to authorizing war; stated that after the US helped Cuba against the Spanish did not have any intentions of taking control over Cuba (would allow Cuba to run independently) → Platt amendment that adjusted the conditions which the US would leave Cuba, even after they won the war

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Great Compromise

Settled the argument between the New Jersey and the Virginia plan over representation by population or state. Lead to a bicameral congress (the House and the Senate)

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

Established the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and Mexico

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Freedmen’s Bureau

(1865) Following the Civil War, a welfare agency to aid Black and White Americans after the war

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Dawes Act

Divided Native American Land in Parcels and allocated them to Native Americans. Upon receiving land they would become a citizen and subjected them to taxation. Wanted to Assimilate them into American culture

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Indian Removal Act

(1830) Issued by Andrew Jackson to remove Native Americans from their land a relocate them West → led to the Trail of Tears

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