Wars of the Roses Essay plans
Most significant event
define power struggle and then say other factors, ensuing they relate to power struggle between the houses
are there other events that change the power dynamic more than the Battle of St Albans
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highlighted court division
is essentially the start of the houses and although some may say this means that the power struggle wouldn’t be very developed at this point, it signifies the fact that there is a power struggle and sets up the landscape for the rest of the WOTR
creates a ‘battle’ schema that lasts throughout this period as now battles become regular between the two houses
negative impact on the image of the king as he cannot control his court and is weak as he lost the battle of St Albans
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Another event that has a larger effect on the power struggle e.g is there an event that massively changes the dynamic of the relationship between the two houses
Parliament of Devils: forces violence as the lords have been attainted
highlights the Lancastrian house taking back their power and royal advantage
more significant than the first battle as the power struggle is worsened
however, the PoD isn’t possible without the battle of St Albans because the conflict wouldn’t have to developed to such an extreme point without the original Yorkist triumph
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It could also be argued that the Yorkist claim to the throne that led to the Act of Accord is a more significant event as it changed the inheritance of the crown and increased Yorkist power
However, it had the same outcome of before as there were still battles which makes the act void because it didn’t cause any changes