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(Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker class medication)
(Administered IV; generic names have -curonium or -curium.)
MOA: Competitively binds to nicotinic M receptors on the motor end plate to block activation by acetylcholine causing muscle relaxation. Persists as long as the amount of medication is sufficient to prevent receptor occupation by acetylcholine.
ā¢ To provide muscle relaxation during surgery, Mechanical Ventilation, and ET intubation.
Rocuronium Adverse Effects
ā¢ Respiratory arrest
ā¢ Hypotension
*Rocuronium Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Duration 30-60 minutes (dose dependent)
ā¢ Due to drug unable to cross BBB, dose does not affect LOC or perception of pain and should be used w/ anesthesia.
ā¢ Monitor patients on Mechanical Ventilation and promote comfort.
ā¢ Sedation is often nurse drivenādonāt leave your patient paralyzed and un or under sedated!*
Succinylcholine (Anectine)
(Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker class medication)
(Administered via IV & IM)
MOA: Binds to nicotinic M receptors on the motor end plate thereby causing a constant state of depolarization.
ā¢ To provide muscle relaxation during ET intubation and adjunct to ECT.
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Adverse Effects
ā¢ Prolonged apnea in patient with low pseudocholinesterase activity.
ā¢ Malignant hyperthermia
ā¢ Hyperkalemia (contraindicated w/ known ^K)
ā¢ Postoperative muscle pain
Succinylcholine (Anectine) Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Caution in patients w/ MG, muscular dystrophy
ā¢ Duration 4-10 min
ā¢ Does not affect LOC or perception of paināall NMB
ā¢ Malignant hyperthermia is rare, but an emergency: Ice packs, cold IV saline, and IV dantrolene.
Anesthetic Classifications
General: Produce unconscious, analgesia, and amnesia during surgery/procedure.
Regional: Sensation from the body is blocked to CNS (e.g., epidural) in minor surgeries and ambulatory settings.
Local: Similar to regional but affects smaller areas of the body via injection by nerve blocking nerve conduction.
Tetracaine, Porcaine, Benzocaine, Cocaine
Amides (Two Iās)
Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Lidocaine
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
(Amide-type local anesthetic class medication)
(Administer via topically or injections.)
MOA: Stops axonal conduction by blocking sodium channels in the axonal membrane.
*Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Adverse Effects
ā¢ CNS depression and excitation w/ sufficient systemic absorption.*
ā¢ CV suppression, including bradycardia, heart block, decreased contractility, and cardiac arrest.
ā¢ Allergic reactions (ester anesthetics more likely)
Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Proper documentation via transdermal route.
ā¢ Injected form has higher risk for systemic effects.
ā¢ Watch for vasoconstriction s/s if used w/ epinephrine.
ā¢ Closely monitor neurological and cardiovascular status w/ administration.
ā¢ Aspirate prior to injection to avoid IV administration.
ā¢ Concentrations can range from 0.5% to 5%.
*Nitrous Oxide
(Inhalation anesthetic class medication)
MOA: Low anesthetic potency, high analgesic potency*
ā¢ An adjunct agent w/ inhaled and intravenous anesthesia.
*Nitrous Oxide Adverse Effects
ā¢ Minimal adverse effects like other anesthetics; such as respiratory and cardiac depression, malignant hyperthermia, aspiration of gastric contents, and hepatotoxicity.
ā¢ Postoperative N/V is most common.
Nitrous Oxide Nursing Considerations
ā¢ More analgesia than anesthesia, used with other anesthetics for surgery.
ā¢ Adding nitrous oxide can reduce the dose of other anesthetics.
ā¢ Monitor for adverse effects of other anesthetics and adjunct medications.
ā¢ Assess and treat postoperative pain and N/V once anesthesia wears off.
Midazolam (Versed)
(Intravenous benzodiazepine anesthetic class medication)
MOA: Enhance transmission at inhibitory synapse and depress transmission at excitatory synapse through activation of receptors for GABA.
ā¢ Induction of anesthesia, conscious sedation, and seizures. (anxiety)
Midazolam (Versed) Adverse Effects
ā¢ Respiratory Depression
ā¢ Hypotension
ā¢ Cardiac Arrest
Midazolam (Versed) Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Rapid onset and ultrashort duration can result in rapid onset and awakening; monitor sedation and mental status closely.
ā¢ Slow injection administration can help to minimize adverse effects.
ā¢ Monitor respiratory and cardiovascular status closely, and support both as needed for in the event of overdose.
ā¢ Used w/ opioid (fentanyl/morphine) for conscious sedation.
Midazolam (Versed) Antidote
Propofol (Diprivan)
(Intravenous anesthetic class medication)
MOA: Promotes the release of GABA (inhibitory)
ā¢ Used for anesthesia induction, procedural sedation (not by RNs), and sedation during mechanical ventilation.
Propofol (Diprivan) Adverse Effects
ā¢ Respiratory depression and hypotension
ā¢ Higher risk for bacterial infection due to lipid-based medium that can facilitate bacterial growth (frequent tubing & bottle change)
ā¢ Propofol infusion syndrome (rare, long-term use) w/ metabolic acidosis, cardiac failure, renal failure, and rhabdomyolysis.
Propofol (Diprivan) Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Rapid onset and ultrashort duration can result in onset and awakening; monitor mental status closely.
ā¢ Monitor respiratory and cardiovascular status closely.
ā¢ Monitor creatinine phosphokinase (CPK)āinfusion syndrome.
ā¢ Lipids from infusion should be included when considering nutrition.
Ketamine (Ketalar)
(Intravenous anesthetic class medication)
MOA: Dissociative anesthetic. Also provides sedation, analgesia, and amnesia.
ā¢ Anesthesia, pain management, intubation, depression.
Ketamine (Ketalar) Adverse Effects
ā¢ Respiratory depression and hypotension or hypertension (Catecholamine release)
ā¢ Psychological reactions, including hallucinations, disturbing dreams, and delirium.
ā¢ Potential for abuse.
Ketamine (Ketalar) Nursing Considerations
ā¢ Reduce risk for psychological reactions by giving verbal reassurance and/or medicating w/ a benzodiazepine.
ā¢ Assess for prior psychiatric illness; generally, should be avoided in patients w/ prior history.
ā¢ Frequently used in hanging of burn dressing in patients w/ large body surface area burns.
Neostigmine is a cholinesterase inhibitor which willā¦
reverse muscle paralysis