Sentient meat, Dualism, Materialism, Descartes, Consciousness
Phineas Gage
tamping iron to head, changed personality/temperament, frontal lobe (control inhibitions, treatment of others, deliberate behaviour)
What can we learn from Phineas Gage
Disproves dualism, brain has big impact on our personality/self (previously though to be mind)
Greg F. (monk dude)
tumour in his head affecting frontal and temporal lobes (lost vision, memory, ability to make memories, docile temperament)
Darwin & Crick Hypothesis
Astonishing Hypothesis: brain makes thought,
"You" are just behaviour of a vast assembly of nerves
brain = mind = only physical
Materialism; drawback
how do we distinguish between mental and physical events then
look inside brain and no room for mind
brain is physical and mind/soul is separate in some nonphysical way
Descartes; 2 dualism arguments
Machines are unfeeling and programmed to do things, but humans choose to do things (creativity and spontaneity)
I think therefore I am: don’t know if dreaming and don’t have a body, but can still think, thus minds are immaterial
Reasons why dualism is appealing (5)
Language (my brain, my leg, my arm = all physical)
personal identity 1: still same mind after bodily transformation (13 going on 30)
personal identity 2: multiple people in 1 body (DID)
intelligent beings without bodies (God)
survival of self after destruction of body (reincarnation, heaven)
Why Descartes is wrong (2 reasons)
machine theory: now have computers doing complex things (i.e. chess). complexity of actions =/= proof
can doubt you have a body, but doesn’t make it true (can imagine many things that don’t exist)
Why dualism is wrong (3 reasons)
Pinker: immaterial can’t interact with material
evidence for role of the brain (physical change of Phineas Gage = personality change, caffeine/drugs/dementia all affect brain)
new technologies (MRI to see parts of brain light up)
Brain (1/4 of energy): glial cells
1/2 of brain
nourish/support/cleanup after neurons
mental life = result of
receive info
if strong enough/right input, then neuron will fire and electrical signal will pass through axon
covered in myelin shealth
signal runs through to other dendrites or out to muscles,etc
Myelin sheath
fatty shield over axon like insulation on wire
helps communication go more efficiently
Flow of info in neurons
dendrites > cell body > axon > dendrites of other neurons
3 types of neurons
Sensory: take in info from world (pull back from pain)
Motor: out to external world (movement to grab smth)
Interneurons: don’t connect to world but others (thinking)
How neurons fire
all or nothing, either do or dont
How neurons represent intensity (2)
number that fire (10000 or 100)
frequency of individual firing (bang………bang or bangbangbang)
Soups or sparks
soups: neurotransmitters
gaps between neurons bc neurons dont touch
when neurons fire, neurotransmitters cross synapses (Cajal)
increase likelihood of firing
drugs: encourages
decrease likelihood of firing
drugs: prevents neurotransmitter from binding
How neurons fire
calculate sum of excitatory/inhibitatory neurotransmitter inputs and see if enough to fire
Are brains simultaneous/parallel or serial
brains = parallel
computers = serial
Intelligence arises from unintelligence
1s and 0s, fire or not fire
Creation of false memories
recollection of memories are changed through current discussion (false retrieval cue)
Clean-up crew that cleans up neurotransmitters, sometimes ________ by drugs = more dopamine
Don’t need brain for
suckling in newborn
Limb flexion in withdrawal from pain
Gall: school of phrenology
Good idea: different parts of brain responsible for different functions
Bad idea: brain bloats up the more they are used and make bumps (rub heads to learn about them)
Broca's area
part of frontal lobe
Could understand language/what is heard, but could only produce "tan"
Wernicke's area
Back of temporal lobe Couldn’t understand speech, but could talk rapidly/fluently even if was gibberish
Cortex (why so folded?)
surface of brain. most important stuff is subcortical
folded to maximize surface area
autonomic functions (heart rate, breathing)
movement, posture, motor learning, some language
sleep, thirst, hunger, sex
Limbic system
long-term memory storage, locations & things in space
Pituitary gland
secretes hormones involved in sex, reproduction, etc.
Lobes of brain
parts of brain responsible for right pointer finger is close to right thumb, which is close to right wrist area, etc.
Division of labour in brain
1/4 movement, rest is language/memory/perception/etc.
not paralysis, unable to do fine/complicated things/tasks/behaviours
Agnosia (visual)
not unable to see, just cant recognize things (cant tell it’s a piano)
Agnosia (prosopagnosia)
problems identifying faces (ie cant identify husband)
Sensory neglect
Think world contains only left or right sides
Can’t produce or understand language
Acquired psychopathy
Left hemisphere
language, reason, logic
Right hemisphere
social processes, imagination, music
Corpus Callosum
connection between hemispheres (network of neurons)
If cut: halves cant readily communicate (Alien hand syndrome). Seen as 2 individuals fighting for 1 body
Eisenberger (loneliness)
computers leave out human in virtual ball game. pain of rejection akin to physical pain
Since we cant understand others’ consciousness, how can we walk in their shoes
infer mental state of others
use our experiences as stand-ins
(but can often be wrong, practice empathy)
Gopnik: attention
attention is willful. not focusing but still notice if someone calls our name
babies lack willful control
time passage may be different for species
CFF: light flickering until it doesn’t
How EEGs reveal consciousness
track oscillations in brain:
Frequency reveals how conscious you are
Alpha: 8-15hz = relaxation
Theta: <4hz = sleep
Beta: 16-31hz = agitation
Monti: how used MRIs to communicate with vegetative patients
different areas of brains light up for thinking of different things (i.e. playing tennis or walking in house)
Global Workspace Theory
unconsciously, sensory areas of brain light up from outside stimulus, but have to direct focus on something for it to be conscious
Chalmers: Performance of cognitive and behavioural functions is from experience
Easy question: categorize something as red (recognize)
Hard question: understand experience of how the brain sees red
(Block) Phenomenal consciousness
(hard) feeling/experience of what it’s like to be in that state
(Block) Access consciousness
(easy) availability of experience for use in reason/rationality in speech/communication
Limitations of access consciousness
can’t experience both at once, focus flips back and forth
Shadowing (access conscious)
forced to focus on one input (i.e. language in one ear)
Cocktail party effect
involved in a convo with someone, dont focus on background noise until you hear your name or taboo words
(only a small fraction of input comes in, most is lost)
When you do something habitually, it becomes ___________
Stroop effect
if you have a list of words in different colours, its easy to name the colours, but when the words are colour names = harder
Spotlight effect (Gilovich)
If wearing something embarrassing or cool, tend to overestimate how much others focus on you
How to move attention away from self (3)
(Le Bon) Being in a group setting shifts consciousness away from self. Could be good (concert) or bad (bystander apathy)
being drunk
Trivers: how to keep information secret
deceive yourself
Generalizations of consciousness (5)
Repetition and practice makes things unconscious (driving a car)
Consciousness is limited (only focus of faces or vase at once)
Consciousness can be effortless (but not always)
Consciousness can be involuntary (ie dont read the letters)
We are not conscious of most of what we experience (switching out people asking directions)