- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla
-Nuclei of the cranial nerves (CN III-XII)
Which part of the brainstem contains nuclei of CN III (oculomotor) & CN IV (trochlear), cerebral peduncles, and substantia nigra?
Tegmentum: communicates with cerebellum by cerebellar peduncles
Tectum: dorsal aspect, contains corpora quadrigemina (important for vision & hearing)
Cerebral Peduncles
Run along the ventral aspect of midbrain, contain large sensory and motor tracts
→connects brainstem to thalamus (and cerebrum), aka crus cerebri
Pontine Nuclei
Motor nuclei of the pons (brainstem) that communicate with cerebellum to coordinate movement, modulate breathing (smooths out respiratory rate set by medulla)?
Ventral Horn
• Anterior; gray matter
• Somatic motor neurons (efferent; CNS → PNS)