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most internal layer of arteries
tunica intima
middle layer of arteries
tunica media
external layer of arteries
tunica adventitia (externa)
arteries carry blood away from the _____
arteries have ______ blood pressure
arteries have thicker smooth muscle which allows arteries to _____ or _______
vasoconstriction, vasodilation
veins carry blood ______ from heart
veins are
veins contain
external iliac
becomes common femoral after passing under inguinal ligament
common femoral -cfa
located near medial groin
deep femoral -dfa-profunda
deep branch of the CFA in thigh
superficial femoral-sfa
superficial branch of the common femoral in the medial thigh- becomes popliteal artery after passing through adductor hiatus
popliteal artery
visualized posterior to the knee (artery)
anterior tibial- ata
first branch of the popliteal-travels down anterior calf lateral to the tibia (becomes dorsals pedis at anterior ankle)
travels down posterior calf
posterior tibial-pta
travels down medial calf posterior to the tibia (distal pea found posterior to medial malleolus)
external iliac artery and vein become common femoral artery and vein after passing under ________
inguinal ligament
the superficial femoral becomes popliteal after passing through _____
adductor hiatus
common femoral artery and vein travel down medial thigh and bifurcate into the deep and superficial _______
arteries are ______ in cross section
common femoral vein-cfv
the cdv becomes the external iliac after passing under the inguinal ligament
greater saphenous vein-gsv
travels up the entire medial leg and joins the cfv in the superior thigh- this is known as the saphenofemoral junction (sfj)
deep femoral vein-dfv (profunda)
joins FV distal to the saphenofemoral junction
femoral vein -fv
travels up the medial thigh superficial to the dfv
popliteal vein
this travels posterior to the knee and becomes the femoral v after passing through the adductor hiatus
the small saphenous vein (ssv)
joins pop v proximal to the paired calf veins-does not have an accompanying artery
paired peroneal, posterior tibial (ptv), anterior tibial veins come together to form the
popliteal vein
superficial veins are located near the skins surface and drains superficial tissues like
small saphenous veins, greater saphenous veins
deep veins are paired with an artery and lie deeper within the muscle or abdomen like
external iliac, common femoral, femoral, deep femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, anterior tibial, peroneal
veins change shape when patient ______
veins have an ______ shape when not distended
used to describe arteries
used to describe veins
refers to the vascular system in general- arteries and/or veins
subclavian artery
posterior to clavicle
axillary artery
in area of armpit- bifurcates to become deep brachial artery and brachial artery
brachial artery
travels anterior to the humerus and bifurcates into the radial and ulnar arteries and the cubical fossa
radial artery
travels down lateral side of arm (artery)
ulnar artery
travels down medial side of arm (artery)
subclavian vein
posterior to clavicle
cephalic vein
large proximal and superior superficial vein of the arm
axillary vein
in armpit area (vein)
basilic vein
paired veins with the brachial artery in upper arm
radial veins
paired veins with the radial artery on the lateral side of the forearm
ulnar veins
paired veins with the ulnar artery in the medial side of the forearm
common carotid arteries (cca)
found in the anterior lateral neck on either side of the trachea
bifurcates into the internal and external carotid arteries
internal carotid artery (ICA)
carries blood to the brain
external carotid artery (ECA)
carries blood to the face
has extracranial branches
vertebral arteries
branch off the subclavian artery and courses along either side of the posterior lateral neck
carries blood to spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellum
brachiocephalic artery
first branch of aortic arch
bifurcates into the right common carotid and right subclavian artery
left common carotid
second branch of the aortic arach
left subclavian
third branch of the aortic arch