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Define Health Psychology
The study of factors that may influence human well-being and health in both positive and negative ways
Blue zones
So-called longevity hotspots, 95% of people live to be older than 80. Categorized by natural movement, positive life outlooks, “right three” (people they most closely surround themselves with) and mindful eating.
WHO Health Definition
Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.
Positive health (define)
Health is the ability to adapt and to self-manage in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges → measured by broader “spider-web” diagram.
Biopsychosocial model
Views health as the interaction between biological characteristics (genes, viruses), psychological factors (attitudes, neuroticism) and social condition (socio-economic factors, culture, relationships).
Stress (definition)
Pattern if cognitive appraisals, physiological response and behavioral responses to perceived imbalances between situational demands and coping resources available.
Stressors (definition)
Situational component, stimuli that place demand on one’s emotional or physical state and require one to adapt through coping resources
Microstressors (daily hassles), major neg. events (personal but devastating events), catastrophic events (unexpected, wide-scale devastation)
Stress response
Adaptive response to acute stress which improves physiological and mental functioning to meet imminent demands posed by stressors.
biologically: sympathetic NS activity, increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity
Chronic stress
When the stress response is maintained for weeks or even months on end; considered in epidemic in modern society. Attributed to differences between ancestral landscape and modern society.
Consequences of Chronic Stress
Linked to:
6 leading causes of death
Cognitive impairements
Sleep disorders
Loss of productivity
Depression & anxiety
Relational conflict and aggression
Cognitive Appraisals
Starting point of stress response: Divided into primary (situational) and secondary (coping resources) appraisals, followed by consequence judgement and personal meaning appraisal. Can be manipulated to battle stress → positive stress mindset decreases effects
Physiological stress responses
Induce re-appraisals of of stressors; represented by general adaptation syndrome. Divided into alarm, resistance and exhaustion.
Stress impact on psychological well-being
Catastrophic and major negative events can both cause relational and mental issues → 17% increase in anxiety/depression in victims of cat. floods. PTSD as well.
Physiological impacts of stress
Increase in blood pressure, sometimes prolonged
Increase risk of autoimmune disorders, cv disorders.
Onset of sleep disorders like insomnia
Decreased immunity (if chronic)
Increased susceptibility to viral infection