Measure various factors that provide information about the basic body conditions of the patient.
4 Main vital signs T-P-R-BP
Blood Pressure
other vital signs--Pain
considered the 5th vital sign. Can be acute or chronic. Pain is what the person says it is!
Scale - 0 to 10
Patients are asked to rate their level of pain on the 0 – 10 scale
If patient is a child or nonverbal, FACES pain scale is used
other vital signs--skin color
other vital signs-
Size of the pupil & reaction to light (PERRLA)
Pupils (are)
Reactive (to)
Light (and)
other vital signs--Level of consciousness (LOC)
Awake, Alert and Oriented to (person, place, time) - AAOx3
other vital signs--
Patients response to stimuli
Pulse oximetry reading 95%+
other vital signs--
Patients response to stimuli
Pulse oximetry reading 95%+
Accuracy is essential because they are:
Used to detect problems
Monitor the effectiveness of medication
Make a diagnosis
You should ALWAYS report abnormality or change
If unable to get reading, ask another person to check
***Guidelines for “normals” will vary according to state laws and policies of health care agencies.
It is your legal responsibility to know and follow guidelines for your state and agency.
temperature: 96.6 to 100.6 F avg 98.6
a measurement of the balance between heat lost and heat produced
Heat is lost thru perspiration, respiration, & excretion (urine & feces)
Heat is produced by the metabolism of food; and by muscle and gland activity
A constant state of fluid balance, known as homeostasis, is the ideal health state in the human body.
The rates of chemical reactions in the body are regulated by body temp.
If body temp is too high or too low the body’s fluid balance is affected
(PO) -Mouth; most common, convenient
Factors that can alter temp in mouth
Eating, drinking (hot or cold)
Wait at least 15 min before taking temp
(R or pr)- Rectum; most accurate, invasive
(Ax) -Under the armpit; least accurate
(T)- Side of head; easy to use, accurate
(Tymp) or Aural - in the ear canal; accurate
Usually used for infants to 3 years
Measures infrared energy from blood
vessels in tympanic membrane
factors that lead to ↑ body temp
Illness, infection, exercise, excitement, environmental temp
Factors that lead to ↓ body temp
Starvation/fasting, sleep, ↓ muscle activity, sleeping, mouth breathing, environmental temp, certain diseases
elevated body temp >101oF rectally
having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
no fever is present, WNL (within normal limits)
body temp <95oF rectally
Death usually occurs if temp <93oF rectally
body temp >104oF rectally
Prolonged exposure will cause brain damage or serious infection
106oF will lead to convulsions, brain damage, or death
pulse(P or HR) 60-100
The blood pushing against the wall of an artery as the heart contracts and relaxes. In other words- it is a throbbing of the arteries (that is FELT) caused by contractions of the heart.
Rate - # of beats per minute (bpm)
Rhythm – refers to regularity of beats
Volume – refers to strength
Pulses that are PALPATED (felt)
on an artery
Temporal – sides of the forehead
Carotid – sides of the neck
Brachial – inner aspect of forearm at the ante-
cubital space
Radial – inner aspect of the wrist, above thumb
Femoral – inner aspect of the upper thigh
Popliteal – behind the knee
Dorsalis pedis – top of the foot arch
Posterior tibial- behind ankle on lateral side of
the foot.
\n Apical Pulse is AUSCULTATED (Heard)
apical pulse
Taken with a stethoscope at the apex of the heart
Use diaphragm (flat, flexible disk)
Actual heartbeat is heard (auscultated) & counted
Pulse Deficit – take the apical then the radial pulse, then subtract the radial from the apical = difference is the pulse deficit
Occurs with pts with heart conditions
Heart is weak & does not pump enough blood to produce a pulse
pulse <60 bpm
pulse >100 bpm
Rhythm refers to the regularity of the pulse (the spacing of the beats)
Irregular - arrhythmia
Usually caused by a defect in the electrical conduction pattern of the heart
increasing pulse
fever, shock, exercise, stimulant drugs, excitement, nervous tension(stress)
decrease pulse
depressant drugs, physical training, sleep, heart disease, coma
respiration(R or RR) 12-20 breaths per min in adults
Dyspnea – difficult or labored breathing
Apnea – absence of respirations
Tachypnea – RR >20 breaths per minute
Bradypnea – RR <12 breaths per minute
Orthopnea – severe dyspnea in which breathing is very difficult in any position other than sitting erect or standing
Cyanosis – a dusky, bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, and/or nail beds as a result of ↓O2 and ↑CO2 in the bloodstream. In darker skinned patients, check mucus membranes
cheyne-stokes respiration
frequently noted in dying patient
periods of dyspnea followed by periods of apnea that causes fluctuating carbon dioxide levels
rales or crackles
bubbling or noisy sounds
high pitched whistling
rattling snoring sounds
blood pressure (BP)
pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries
Systolic BP (top/first number)
Pressure occurs in the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is contracting and pushing blood into the arteries
Normal range 100 to 120
mm Hg
Diastolic BP (Bottom/second number)
The constant pressure in the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is at rest, or between contractions.
Blood has moved forward into the capillaries and veins, so the volume of blood in the arteries has decreased.
Normal range 60 – 80 mm Hg
causes of inaccurate BP
-Increased activity: the patient to sit quietly for at least 5 minutes before BP is taken.
You should wait 30 seconds between each reading if you are having to repeat the BP for any reason
-Size and placement of the cuff: It contains a rubber bladder that fills with air to apply pressure (squeeze) to the arteries.
-If its Too small = inaccurate high reading
**-**If its Too large = inaccurate low reading
-Patient positioning: Patient should be sitting with feet flat on the floor (do not cross legs)
pulse pressure
The difference between Systolic BP and Diastolic BP
Important indicator of the health and tone of the arterial walls
Normal range 30 – 50 mm Hg
120/80 120 – 80 = 40 pulse pressure
Helps to see trends in blood pressure and heart function.
A high pulse pressure can be caused by an increase in blood volume or heart rate, OR a decrease in the ability of the arteries to expand.
120-139 mmHg Systolic OR 80-89 mmHg Diastolic.
120-139/80-89 mmHg
Condition can harden arteries, dislodge plaque, and block blood vessels that nourish the heart
They don’t have “high blood pressure” but are at risk for developing hypertension (HTN) if lifestyle changes do not occur such as proper nutrition and exercise program.
higher than 140/90
silent killer
leads to kidney failure, stroke, heart disease
less than 90/60
May occur with heart failure, dehydration, depression, severe burns, hemorrhage, and shock
orthostatic or postural hypotension
Sudden drop in both SBP & DBP when a person changes positions
Caused by the inability of blood vessels to compensate quickly to positional change
Signs/Symptoms: lightheaded, dizziness, blurred vision
-lying, sitting, standing