Economic well being
a person or family’s standard of living based in how well they are doing financially
a supply/stock of something that have a value or purpose.
Social well being
a person’s relationships with others and their sense of belonging.
Resources examples
Food, water, energy
Global inequalities in resources are caused by?
Differences in weather, natural reserves of minerals, frequency of natural disasters, level of development, level of technology, population, trading agreements and conflict
Area of the UK with a water deficit
South East
Water transfer
Moving water from an area with a surplus to an area with a deficit
Causes of water pollution
Pesticides, fertilisers, untreated waste, runoff from roads, rubbish, oil from ships, sewage
Effects of water pollution
Poison wildlife. Increase water temperature, eutrophication, kill ecosystems, industries that rely on water suffer
How is water pollution managed
Legislation, education campaigns, water treatment, pollution traps
Energy mix
The mix of different sources of energy that are used
Renewable energy
Energy that will not run out, as it is being created at the same rate that it is being used
Drilling into rock and pumping water down to extract gas and oil from shale rock
Food miles
The distance an item of food has had to travel from producer to consumer
Carbon footprint
the measure of the impact that human activity has on the environment is terms of CO2 emissions
Intensive farming aimed at maximising the amount of food produced
Food security
Having access to enough food that is safe, affordable and nutritious to have a healthy life
Food insecurity
Being without reliable access to enough affordable and nutritious food for a healthy life.
Food surplus
Producing more food than is needed
Food deficit
Not producing enough food to feed their population, so have to import food
Factors that affect food supply
Climate, pests and diseases, water supply, poverty, conflict, technology
A widespread shortage of food often causing malnutrition, starvation and death
The lack of a balanced diet and deficiency in minerals and vitamins
Impacts of food insecurity
Famine and undernutrition, rising food prices, soil erosion, conflict and social unrest and water shortages
Strategies to increase food supply
Aeroponics, hydroponics, biotechnology, appropriate technology, irrigation, the new green revolution
Growing plants in air not soil
Growing plants in water not soil