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Anti Semitism
Persecution and hatred of Jewish People
a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.
The establishment of a national home for Jewish people
Who was Zionism first put forward by
Theodor Herzl
Arab Nationalism
The wanting of self identity and independence by Arabs from the Ottomans
What were the two conflicting promises made during the First World War
They made a statement supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine but promised Arabs independence from Ottoman Turks
Why did Britain fear for their security leading to them enlisting the help of the Arabs
Turkey had declared war on them and they feared oil supplies might be cut off
What did McMahon promise state
It stated that Britain would acknowledge the independence of the Arab countries from Turkey in exchange for the Arabs help in taking down the Ottomans
Who was a recognized leader of the Arab world during WW1
Sherif Hussein
Who was Sir Henry McMahon
British High Commissioner in Egypt who negotiated with Arabas to create the McMahon promise
Who were in a lead position when taking down Turkey
Prince Faisal and T.E. Lawrence
What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement
An agreement made between Britain and France that showed that they were interested in dividing up the Arab countries for themselves which was made public by Russia and quickly dropped
Why did the the Sykes-Picot anger the Arabs
The Arabs were promised by Britain to get their independence when they helped take down the Ottoman but it was not really in Britains plan to give them independence
What was the Balfour Declaration
The declaration of Britains support for the establishment of a national home in Palestine for the Jewish people
Who declared the Balfour Declaration
Arthur Balfour (British Foreign Secretary)
How were both Arabs and Jews disappointed with the League of Nations mandate
Neither side was granted independence as promised and Palestine became mandated territory governed by Britain