GDP per capita
The total GDP of a country divided by the number of citizins in that country (average inome in a country)
Less Economically Developed Countries
More Economically Developed Countries
Newly Industrial Countries
GDP Gross Domestic Product
The total value of all products and services produced by a country
Life expectancy
the expected age a person is going to reach in a country
Primary Sector
Working with the raw materials of the earth
Secondary Sector
Making a product turning raw materials into a finished product
Tertiary Sector
Providing a service
Having a job
Level of Growth and change
Poverty cycle
A cycle where LDC life in and is hard to break
Infant mortality rate
The % of deaths in 1,000 Babies under the age of 1
Human Development Index
A index where you can see the level of development between countries
Literacy Rate
The % of people that can read and write
Basic necessities
The basic things a human needs to survive
A person from a country that is living in a different country
A person who has left their own country to live in another country
Moving from one country to another country to live
Absolute Poverty
not having the basic things a human needs to survive
Regional disparity
Uneven difference in development regions
The North
old name to describe the rich part of the world
The South
Old name used to describe the poor part of the world
Rural-urban migration
moving to an urban city from the countryside
An area where the living conditions are very poor, low quality housing
Economic migration
choosing to move to improve the standard of living by gaining a better paid job.
The amount of money someone has
It needs to be measure that you can use to measure things with/ a factor
Getting knowledge
The prevention of illness and taking care of people
A situation where someone suffers from lack of food
The abuse of power
The process of mixing and becoming a new society
Informal sector
A job where the employment are not registered and does not have to pay tax
Unfair trade
When one trading part is not fairly treated
Civil wars
A war between groups in a country
Relative poverty
Poverty is the condition in which people lack the minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live.
Facilities that make it healthier to live such as running water and flushing toilets
a new form of colonialism in which poor countries are still dependent on rich countries for certain things e.g. trade
when countries protect their own economic market by banning or restricting with taxes on foreign goods.