Final Exam | Week 7-12 | Chapters 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
Tuckman’s Five Stages of Team Development
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning.
The first stage where roles are unclear and relationships are established.
The second stage characterized by conflict over leadership, roles, and goals.
The third stage marked by agreement on norms and responsibilities.
The fourth stage where team productivity and goal achievement occur.
The final stage involving task completion and team disbandment.
Gersick’s Punctuated Equilibrium
A model where a critical midpoint transition shifts team strategy for progress.
Group Cohesiveness
The degree to which group norms align with organizational goals, improving productivity.
Social Loafing
Reduced effort by individuals in a group due to anonymity and lack of accountability.
Key lesson from 'Build a Tower, Build a Team'
Teams that prototype and iterate outperform those that over-plan.
Asch’s Line Study
Demonstrates that people conform to group norms even when they are wrong.
Milgram’s Study
Shows that individuals often obey authority figures, even when unethical.
Types of Social Influence
Compliance, Identification, Internalization.
Stanford Prison Experiment
Illustrates dangers of power imbalances and conformity to roles.
Bystander Effect
The phenomenon where increased bystander numbers lead to decreased personal responsibility.
Sources of Power
Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert, Referent.
Transformational Leadership
Leaders who inspire and develop followers through vision and motivation.
The Glass Ceiling
Barriers that prevent women from advancing in leadership roles.
Rational Decision-Making Model
A structured approach to decision-making in logical steps.
Decision-Making Bias: Groupthink
Pressure to conform suppresses dissent and creativity.
Media Richness Theory
Suggests that communication effectiveness depends on the richness of the media used.
Anticipatory Socialization
Expectations and knowledge acquired prior to employment.
Bounded Ethicality
Unintentional unethical behavior caused by biases.
Ethical Decision-Making Models
Consequentialist, Deontological, and Virtue Ethics.
Real-world application of Effective Teams
Exhibit reflexivity by reflecting on goals and strategies.