Help! For God’s sake, help!
Shoo! Get back. Get back! Get back!
Don’t, Father! You’re confusing him.
Quiet! Stay with your mother! Go on - back you go!
Gregor was quite unpractised in walking backwards and he was afraid of annoying his father even further by the slowness of such a rotation.
His father for his part had no intention of making things easier by opening the door - but nevertheless wanted him out of the room as soon as possible.
Gently Father, don’t hurt him.
Oh, God! Oh, God!
I’ve damaged my leg - will it heal? Will it heal?
Don’t let the neighbours see - lock the doors - draw the curtains.
And I wounded my jaw when I opened the door. I know I damaged it because a brown fluid came out of my mouth. Dripped over the key and onto the floor.
The Chief Clerk! He must be soothed, detained, won over, the whole future of the family and Gregor depends on it.
He mustn't return to the warehouse in that frame of mind.
Follow him, he’s partial to ladies and will be guided by you.
Once I’ve examined my quarters, I’ll tell you all of my objections.
[uncomfortably] Hmmph! [clearing his throat] There’s er . . .one thing you should know before you make a decision.
We . . . er . . . keep a pet in the back room. I wondered if that would bother you?
He seems quite . . .
I hope he doesn’t . . . (nod)
I shouldn’t think he’d . . .
Let’s hope he doesn’t . . .
Good God!
Please do not be disturbed by what you see, I can only offer my humblest apologies and assure you it will never happen again. Never! Now if you would kindly go to your room . . .
I see - just like that! No explanation! Nothing!
Somebody must have left his door open, but we’ll keep it firmly locked in future
Am I expected to live with that creature at the end of the corridor? It might escape in the night and creep into my room and attack me in the dark!
Please, sir, please! I assure you that no such thing is possible - he is very mild and quite weak as he hasn’t been too well lately.
He’s a dung beetle!
He’s really very tame.
Pestilence and dysentery! I’ll get cankered and decrepit! Deteriorate and die! It’s a dangerous place to live in!
I assure you, you’ll be comfortable and need have no fear - you’ll never see him again, and now will you please leave the room so that I can clear him away.
I don’t think anyone would reproach us in the slightest
My child, I understand all this but what can we do? - If only he could understand us - then perhaps we could come to some agreement with him - but as it is there is not much we can do.
Did you see how thin he’d become - It’s such a long time since he ate anything.
You know what we’re going to do today - we’re going to take the day off - we’ll write letters to our respective employers and take a long stroll in the morning sunshine, because that’s what we need.
Father, that would be so good.
We’ll sit in a tram and go into the open country with the warm sunshine flooding the windows.
I want to leave this house forever.
We’ll get a small house - it’ll be cheaper and easier to run - probably the one Gregor selected - we could afford it now. Howpretty my daughter’s become.
It will soon be time.
We’ll find a good husband for her. The crocuses will just be coming out.