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Redress (n.)
Relief from wrong or injury
Culinary (adj.)
Of or related to cooking or the kitchen
Inclement (adj.)
Alienate (v.)
To turn away; to transfer
Redress (v.)
To set right
Adversary (n.)
An enemy
Fallow (n.)
Land left unseeded
Fallow (v.)
To plow but not seed
Exhilarate (v.)
To enliven
Coerce (v.)
To compel
Perpetuate (v.)
To make permanent or long-lasting
Urbane (adj.)
Refined in manner or style
Demise (n.)
A death
Craven (n.)
A coward
Sojourn (v.)
To stay for a time
Liquidate (v.)
To pay a debt
Precedent (n.)
An example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
Craven (adj.)
Artifice (n.)
A skillful or ingenious device; trickery
Punitive (adj.)
Inflicting or aiming at punishment
Sojourn (n.)
A temporary stay
Fallow (adj.)
Plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow
Muse (v.)
To think about in a dreamy way
Negligible (adj.)
So unimportant that it can be disregarded
Harass (v.)
To disturb
Synonym of adversary
Antagonist, foe
Antonym of adversary
Friend, ally, supporter, confederate
Synonym of alienate
Separate, drive apart, estrange
Antonym of alienate
Befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile
Synonym of artifice
Ruse, stratagem, contrivance
Synonym of coerce
Pressure, bully, constrain
Antonym of coerce
Persuade, cajole
Synonym of craven
Fearful, fainthearted, pusillanimous
Antonym of craven
Brave, courageous, valiant
Synonym of culinary
None listed
Synonym of delete
Remove, cancel, expunge
Antonym of delete
Insert, add, retain, include
Synonym of demise
Decease, passing away
Antonym of demise
Birth, beginning, commencement
Synonym of exhilarate
Stimulate, excite, gladden
Antonym of exhilarate
Discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit
Synonym of fallow
Unproductive, inert, dormant
Antonym of fallow
Productive, fertile, prolific
Synonym of harass
Annoy, bedevil, beleaguer
Synonym of inclement
Blustery, tempestuous, implacable
Antonym of inclement
Mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil
Synonym of muse
Contemplate, daydream
Synonym of negligible
Antonym of negligible
Significant, crucial, momentous
Synonym of perpetuate
Continue, preserve, prolong indefinitely
Antonym of perpetuate
Discontinue, abolish, abandon
Synonym of precedent
Guide, tradition, model
Synonym of punitive
Penalizing, retaliatory
Synonym of redress
Correct, mitigate
Synonym of sojourn
Visit, brief stay
Synonym of urbane
Antonym of urbane
Crude, uncouth