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The powder post beetle makes its tunnels across the grain or parallel?
Indian meal moths hind wings are coppery
What are the wing characteristics of an Indian Meal Moth?
Coppery Front Wings
What is the best way to treat on rainy days or when drizzling?
What cockroach, other than American cockroach, flies in California?
Brown Banded
The average number of eggs a female brown banded cockroach produces in each egg capsule, or oothecas, is?
How many egg capsules does a German roach drop in a lifetime?
How many eggs are in a brown banded cockroach egg capsule?
How many eggs for a German Roach?
American roaches can be found in hospitals?
Where do you treat for German Cockroaches?
What diseases do roaches carry?
E. Coli
Zoos are treated like hospitals
Is it legal to dump empty pesticide bottles in trash cans behind grocery stores?
Yes, if the label has been stripped and the top broken off aerosol cans, or bottles are triple rinsed, cut & crushed.
Who regulates pesticides in transportation?
Department of Transportation
Which California ant has the biggest crater?
Western Harvester Ant
Most common household pest in California is the Argentine Ant.
The Odorous house ant does not defend its colonies with odor/sting
Pharaoh, Pavement, Argentine and Thief ants are commonly controlled with baits.
Leaf cutter ants frequently lay their eggs in feces
How do you get a colony of odorous ants out of the wall?
Use of boric acid dust in voids along with barrier treatments
What ant is generally misidentified with the argentine ant?
Odorous house ant
When a treatment for ants fails it is because:
Misidentified ant
Incorrect dose of pesticide
Treated incorrect areas
What ants kill off queen for maximum mating?
Red Imported Fire Ant
At what stage are the most ants produced?
Egg stage
How many segments in a Pharaoh Ant Antenna?
What ant has one node?
Carpenter Ant
Argentine Ant
Field Ant
Crazy Ant
What ant has two nodes?
Pavement Ant
Pharaoh Ant
Thief Ant
What ant has grooves on its head?
Pavement Ant
What ant has a smooth thorax?
Carpenter ants can be found in attic and wall voids?
If an ant walks across chemical what type of poisoning is likely to occur?
Stomach, because each ant grooms itself after it enters the nest.
With Pharaoh ants, should one bait or take off paneling?
When treating for ants what should you consider around the structure?
Amount of infestation
Is it on the label?
What time of day is best to treat Argentine ants?
Early morning
What ant invades water boxes?
Red imported fire ant
What is the fee imposed if an operator or field rep makes a late payment for their renewal of license?
Shall be 50% of the fee required for renewal of license applied to before expiration date, but not more than $100
If an operator changes companies how long does he/she have to notify the board?
The company must notify registrar in writing in 10 days
How many companies can an operator qualify in California
How many hours of CEUs (continual education units) are needed for renewal for a branch 2 field rep license?
16 hours
How many CEU hours are required for renewal in just the "Rules & Regulations" topic?
8 hours
How many days do you have to report to structural pest control board a new office/change of address?
30 days
Lice can be treated like bed bugs
Control of lice (crab louse) on a person's body is a medical problem and the person must see a physician.
Bumble bees nest is found where?
Below ground
What would be the best treatment for wood boring bees?
Treat each boring hole
When treating bees and wasps around eaves, should you have customers leave or just stay inside?
Which beetle has three segmented antennae ending in club?
Red Flour Beetle
When treating inside wall voids which chemical is best?
Who do you call first for a chemical spill?
In the event of an accidental pesticide release or spill that could jeopardize public safety, which of the following agencies must be notified after the spill has been cleaned up?
County agricultural commissioner
What insect does not have a complete metamorphosis?
For live trapping what license do you need?
Department of Fish & Game Live trap license
What issues may you encounter if you do not rinse you sprayer?
Chemical less effective
Which of the following spiders is considered a hunter?
Wolf spider
How often should you clean your sprayer tank if it is used daily?
Once a week
When putting sprayer equipment in storage you should do what?
Eliminate all chemical residues
When must eyewear (goggles) be worn?
When handling and applying pesticides
How many years must you keep service records?
Which of the following pests have a violin shape on the back of the neck?
Brown recluse spider
How many eggs can a flea lay in a lifetime?
Approx. 2000
How far can a flea larvae travel?
Less than an inch
Where do you target when spraying a lawn for fleas?
Shaded areas where pets rest
How many pounds per inch for spraying fleas/lawns?
10-15 psi
How often can you retreat for fleas?
Every Three Weeks
What is the most common flea?
Cat flea
What is the quickest means of knockdown for control of fleas in a lawn?
Power Spray
Should you spray concrete when treating for fleas?
Should an occupant clean wood floors prior to flea treatment?
How many PSI for spraying fleas for indoor treatment?
Low but consistent pressure (about 7 to 10 psi)
What pressure should be used when treating carpet beetles?
10 psi
It is usually recommended that pesticide treatments be performed:
When problem becomes severe
What is appropriate pressure for crack and crevice treatments?
5-10 psi
In California, what is the most common carpet beetle?
Varied carpet beetle
What agency identifies plants/animals for protection?
When it is only slightly windy and treating the base of a home, do you re-schedule or use other treatment methods?
Use other treatment methods
How do you apply when next to water
Follow label
Large droplet size
Do not spray in windy conditions
When do yellow jackets start reproducing?
What is the most active time of year for yellow jackets?
Paper wasp females can produce up to 200 offspring per year.
What wasp nest will you most likely have to come back for follow up?
Yellow Jackets
How do you treat carpenter bees?
Treat all gallery openings
What would you treat a wasp nest with?
A freezing agent
How many larvae per summer do paper nest wasps make?
Several to 2000 (depends on species)
How big of an opening is needed for mice to get through?
1/4 inch
How big of an opening for rats?
1/2 inch
Best way to deal with rats inside a single family home?
Snap traps
Which method do you not use if you don't want rats to die in a homeowners walls?
Bait box
How many litters does a female roof rat have in a lifetime?
How long does the house mouse live in Normal Conditions?
2 years
What do you do if rats aren't eating bait?
Effective trapping
How far can a mouse jump vertically?
12 inches
When you see a rodent during the day what does it mean?
Severe infestation
The average litter size of a Norway rat is:
How long does a roof rat live?
12-24 months
What is the first stage of rat infestation?
Sight of rat
Dark rub marks along baseboards/wall from fur
How many mice can be produced by its mother?
42-60 per year
If millipedes are in a home where do you look?
Cracks and crevices
Moist areas
What fly lays its' eggs in trash cans or hangs out around soiled trash cans?
Basic sanitation is the most important fly control measure that can be applied in most cases.