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Embodied Spirit
spirit inside you, opposite of dualism
If I were asked about myself, the answers would have a reference to my body.
entire human race
used for species classification
has recognition of rights and responsibilities.
Human Person
has self-awareness, self-determination, and social interaction.
Traits of a Person
Self-awareness, self-determination
can be based on other people
actively aware that he is experiencing the inner world
Own goals, own determination is different from other people.
Free Will - capacity to choose.
Consequences - result of action (free will).
A person acts freely with due regard for the consequences of his actions.
Human Action
a way to reveal a person’s true nature.
capability to reach out and interact.
Rational Part
loves truth and knowledge
Spirited Part
seeks glory, honor, recognition
Appetitive Part
desires food, drink, material wealth, sex.
man is his soul
Soul is the essence of man’s humanity and the source of all activities.
Man is the whole of the body and soul.
Body is the matter; form is the mind. There is no one without the other.
St. Augustine
Man is divided into the body and the soul.
Soul is more important.
Man is the unity of the body and soul.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Man is not only rational but an embodied spirit.
Soul can exist without matter.
Soul of man is not like the soul of an animal.
Rene Descartes
Man’s body is subject to change, uncertain.
Philosophy of Doubt
If doubting then you are thinking. If you are thinking, you have to look for the certainty.
Cogito, ergo, sum
Man is his soul, not his body.
Gabriel Marcel
Body is not merely a machine
Embodiment is the start of reflection.
Primary (I have my body): looking objectively, outside of my body, body has nothing to do with primary/soul.
Secondary (I am my body)
The act of surpassing the limit
money, sleep, height, mobility, eyesight
state of being a person
Human Nature
refers to the characteristics that distinguish humans from all other creatures.
Thinking, feeling, acting
Inner world
personal thoughts or ideas
the quality of being focused on one’s inner life and identity
Acts of a man
without bearing
Human act
with moral bearing
Cogito, ergo sum translates to
I think, therefore I am
Man is a thinking being
According to Rene Descrates “Man is a res cogitans” which means
Primary Reflection
when we look at a particular thing objectively (ob-jectum – thrown in front).
In this kind of reflection, I place myself outside the thing I am investigating. It has nothing to do with me nor do I have anything to do with it.
Secondary Reflection
I recognize that I am part of the thing I am investigating, and therefore my discussion is subjective” (“thrown beneath”).
The body as a Intermediary
I experience myself as being-in-the-world through my body.
between the self and the world.
The body in intersubjectivity
between me and others
Through my body, I show myself to others and the others, through their body, show themselves to me.
Elements of intermediary relation
Intermediary relation element, two parties/realities involved are concealed from one another
elements of intermediary relation:
two parties/realities involved are related, open up to one another .
is the intersection of the past and future in the present
where the past and future intersect, meet, converge the point of intersection , the cross section where the lines of the event in the past, present and future converge the inseparability of the past, present and future.
Events in different levels
c. Social
Family, neighbors, peers, others
Network of relationships