Crusades spurred demand for Middle Eastern goods
Newly acquired trade and wealth
Plague led to a demand for labor (serfs went to cities for work)
Renaissance art was more realistic, used perspective, human bodies, etc.
Architecture wasn't Gothic like the medieval times, used columns, arches, domes.
Books were published quicker and less expensively
Ideas spread quicker
The ends justify the means
It is better to be feared than loved
popes competed for political power
clergy was a lavish lifestyle
patrons of the art
money came from fees and indulgences
arguments against the sale of indulgences
posted on front of Wittenburg church
he wanted a male heir to his throne
he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn
refused to follow the Act of Supremacy
executed for treason
closed convents and monasteries
english bible
kept many Catholic forms of worship
she wanted to return England to Catholicism
nickname came from her having hundreds of Protestants burned at the stake
Reform corruption
Renew Spirituality
forbid sale of indulgences
condemned clergy greed
identified corruption
economic: increase trade/ wealth
religious: convert indigenous people to Christianity
Positive: was committed to expand the world's knowledge on geography by taking voyages
Negative: he claimed the Native Americans' land, stole their gold, food, cotton, etc, punished them for minor crimes by cutting off their ears or noses
had superior military technology
had better muskets, canons, and armor
lack of unity between tribes
system of labor where Spanish landowners could use NA as workers
the Spanish would pay them with protection and education
NA were treated like slaves
disease, starvation, and bad treatment declined NA population
recognized Catholicism as the official religion of France
gave Huguenots political privileges and right to worship
it was not united
they didn't all agree with the same religious beliefs
that each ruler could choose the religion of his territory
ended the Holy Roman Empire as an effective state
supported Charles I
wealthy nobles
supported Parliament
common people
led by Oliver Cromwell
"sun king"
the sun is the center of solar system
sun king is the center of the nation
to create religious unity
caused 10,000 Hugenots to flee France --> lost large amount of workforce
high tariffs on imports (to protect French manufacturers)
encouraged overseas colonization
built roads/canals to improve communication/transportation
wanted to westernize Russia (by adopting western ideas, technology, and culture)
strengthen military
expand Russian boarders
centralize royal power
expanded Russian territory
created mighty army
ended Russia's isolation
used fear/terror to enforce his power
growth of serfdom = widened gap between Russia and the West
he welcomed Christian missionaries
allowed Russian trade
was a patron of the arts
expanded empire
women had important positions in the family
literature spread
decorative arts
that people were naturally evil
favored absolute monarchy for government
social contract theory: people gave up their natural rights to an absolute leader
proposed natural rights (life, liberty, property)
social contract theory: thought if government was not doing its job, people had the right to rebel
people are naturally good but are corrupted by society
direct democracy (the good of the community should be in charge)