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took the kings place, spread power more widely among the rich and powerful
dictatorships in rome
uncommon and only used in emergencies, sworn in in a ceremony in the middle of the night, appointed a "master of cavalry"
assembly chose the highest officials and rendered judgements in important cases
law code of the twelve tables
"greatest assembly" that gave judicial rulings in the same kinds of cases
laws if the twelve tables
in rome they made laws public by writing them down, in 450 a special commission of decemvirs (10 of them), and this created __________________________ a collection of specific, detailed, and narrowly focsed provisions (ie marriage, divorce... etc)
third name, earned (sometimes from leadership in the military)
gnaeus marcius coriolanus
captured the voscian town of corioli, left rome bc of his unpopularity, led the volsci armies to capture rome and only stopped bc his mother asked him to
patrician and plebians conflict
to be a partician you have to be from a certain few families, patricians claimed privileges that endured their leadership and held the exclusive right to hold leadership
the plebians outnumbered the particians however they had a range of statuses and roles, and they are more widespread making it difficult to unify opinions
rites by which an officeholder sought the approval of the gods to take up his office for the first time
the giving of aid
fall of veii
386, the romans succeeded in capturing the etruscan city of veii after a siege
plundering in the upper tiber valley, the political life centered on aristocratic families and their armed retainers, pillaged well into the third century, uncivilized, predatory, and expansionistic
marcus furius camillus
hero in the final war against veii and the recoery after the sack of rome, temporary dictator, drove out the gauls
officials in the government, two chosen each year, generals in the war
toga praetexta
toga bordered in purple, consuls wore them
sella curlis
distinctive chair inlaid with ivory, consuls
double headed axe bound in rods
licinian-sexton laws
gaius licinius stolo and lucius sextus lateranus had a series of laws passed called _________________________ which addressed matters of land use and debt, permitted plebeians to compete for it
licinian-sexton laws created a new office of _____________- the leading officials in rome when the consuls were absent on campaign
denoted their right to seek the pproval of the gods for their tenure in office, and for their official actions, through the rituals of divination
magister equitum
second in command
to order or to comand
strong religious association, and its possession was what provided the essential basis for a higher magistrte's authority to lead armies and to punish offenders
on campaign
sacred boundary of the city of rome
at home
curule aediles
counterpart to the two plebeian aediles
took care of public money
roman laws
princeps senatus
member placed at the head of the senate
ancestral spirits
protective divinities of the house
priests whose responsibilities are general supervision and giving opinions on rituals
when a ritual is recommended to be preformed again and again until correct by the pointiffs
priests in ancient rome who specialized in interpretation of the natural phenomena sent by the gods
latin war
341-338, end of autonomy for the latin cities, titus manlius torquatus killed an enemy soldier in single combat and his father had to put him to death
viritane assignments
roman citizens, as individuals, could take up small allotments of some of this captured land in what are known as ___________________
samnite wars
the late fourth and early third centuries were dominated by the second and third samnite wars, both powers were expansionist, determining the leading power in italy
king of the Molossians in epirus
roman constitution***
there are three political bodies in the roman constitution;
magistrates; who did stuff
senate; advised people
assembly; the people assembled who vote
→ offices were typically annual (one year) and collegial (they had many presidents)
marcus crassus
bankrolled julius cesears political career
→ marcus had no military honours, even tho he stopped sparticus, gathered 30 thousand soldiers and tried to go to parthia, the king of armenia offered him 40 thousand ppl and a good route- he siad no and they all died
heavy infantry, roman citizens
→ requirements to enlist;
male "landed" roman citizens
no criminal records
take a physical, 4 months training
non-roman citizens, allies
→ "light" infantry, each unit composed of the same tribe or ethnicity
→ usually equal in number to legionaries
→ could be voted retirement/full citizenship
→ in the imperial period, procedures made regular
25 years service- full citizenship
specialized forces, cavalry, archers, slingers
moved to other regions to gith, batvian revolt
bodyguard to the emperor (in the imperial era)
→ most power, bodyguard to the emperor, roughly 8000 people
→ police force in rome
→ better benefits;
3x normal pay, better retiement package
16 years service
frequent cash gifts (wanna be emperor or do you wanna die)
disbanded by the first african emperor
benefits to joining the army
pay for the year which is close to minimum wage
loot was divided among the soldiers
increasingly, soldiers who served bravely and well could be voted "retirement benefits"; money land or both
the reforms of marius (110 bc)
first to hold the consolship for 6th years in a row and then again like 7 years later, set that precedent
no land requirement to join
each commander recruits his own army
equipment provided by the state
procedures for promotion
the social and political repercussions these changes brought about
→ he drilled his soldiers endlessly, they were very fit, lots of work, carried everything they owned, very disciplined
loses the prestige of being in the military, appealing to those who do not have a way to elevate status and get minimum wage
the imperial army
→ annual pay increased, increases consistently
→ fixed term of duty, 20 years, and fixed retirement benefits
treasury and taxes created to fund these new benefits, keep them going through the service term
→ legions are no longer attached to one specific region
→ non-citizens allowed to enlist (many people thought that is why the roman empire fell)
→ marriage forbidden
roman manipular formation, how they fought the samnites in the mountains
employed when their is a major issue like a revolt
curved sheild
developed in response to fighting against the dations, and the falks (reverse curved sword), better to absorb the impact and protect the whole body