Food Safety Final
General European Food Law is given in
Regulation 178/2002
According to EC directive 89-108, which cryogenic media are authorized for freezing of foodstuffs
Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
According to EC directive 89/108, what is the maximum temperature fluctuation allowed during transport
What are the conditions for HTST pasteurisatio nof processed egg yolk
. 64-66 for 3min
Which quality assurance systems are obligatory in meat processing plant 2
Which quality assurance systems are obligatory in primary production
What are the major food allergens («big eight»)
Milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans
Food safety criteria (1441/2007), refer only to the pathogenic bacteria
Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter sakazakii
The water that is directly held by chemical bonds to the meat proteins is
Bound water
Meat contains on average
18.5% protein
Absolutely critical to meat processing properties (WHC, fat binding) are
Myofibrillar proteins
Red meat contains particularly high level of
Vitamins B
Food having low water activity (Aw) is the most often spoiled by
For canned products is required to obtain a sterilization value Fo
To obtain «botulinum cook» during food sterilization number of C. botulinum spores must be theoretically reduced by
12 log units
In food having very low water activity bacterial spores are
More resistant to heat treatment
At low pH bacteria are
More sensitive to heat treatment
Theoretical basis for food refrigeration gives Van't Hoff's rule - for every temperature rise of 10C rate of biochemical reactions increases
2-4 times
To avoid recrystallization during storage of frozen food temperature should be
Stable (no fluctuation)
At what temperature weight losses occurring during storage of frozen meat are the lowest
At what temperature degradation of triglyceride in fat of frozen fish is the sm...
The main functions of ascorbates and erythrobates added to the meat are
Acceleration of curing process and preventing the formation of nitrosamines
For all types of sausages, bacon, and hams that will be air-dried the best curing method is
Dry curing
Cured meat colour development is faster when
Only nitrite is used
The most important mechanism of meat preservation by salting and curing is
Lowering the water activity
The most relevant to low water activity is
S. aureus
. In sterilized meat cans nitrite as
Needed only to obtain the desired colour of the meat
What is maximum amount of nitrite that may be added to meat products during manufacture according to DIRECTIVE 2006/52/EC
150 mg/kg
The most sensitive to bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of smoke are
Vegetative forms of bacteria
The health hazards associated with smoking of foods are related to
Presence of carcinogenic components in wood smoke and smoked meat
Dried meats and fish have the best quality if they were subjected to
Freeze drying
Most of pathogenic bacteria cannot grow in food at pH
Preservatives are added to food in small quantities, usually
0.1-0.2 %
Application of ionizing radiation to reduce the number of non-spore forming pathogenic microorganisms (other than viruses) and parasites is called
Resistance of microorganisms to ionizing radiation is characterized by D10-value. It is
Radiation dose required to kill 90% of microorganisms
How is the range of fat content in fish
. Post-mortem changes in fish meats run
Like in the meat of mammals, but much faster
The chemical reactions occurring in fish fat during storage
Are faster, because fat fish contains many unsaturated fatty acids
Fish meat contains, with the one exception, all essential amino acids in concentrations exceeding the standard limiting amino acid is
What kind of seafood is often the cause of viral outbreaks
Which species of vibrio cause the most often foodborne illness associated with eating undercooked seafood in Japan
V. parahaemolyticus
What fish product has been the most often involved in outbreaks caused by C. botulinum type E
Hot smoked fish
Minimum growth temperature for C. botulinum type E is
Ciguatera poisoning is caused by consumption of
Paralytic poisonings are caused usually by consumption
Contaminated molluscan shellfish feeding on algae
. Fishery products which undergo enzyme maturation treatment in brine, produced from fish species associated wit a high amount of histidine may contain following level of histamine
400 mg/kg
Which toxic element present in contaminated fish caused the greatest health problems in humans
The best methods for inactivation of fish parasites harmful to human health are
Heat treatment and freezing, salting
What food that cannot be HHP treated
Packaged food packed in completely rigid packaging
What organisms are the most sensitive to high pressure processing
What is the main disadvantage of microwave heating in terms of food safety
hot and cold spots in treated food
A legislative act of the EU that becomes immediately enforced by member states simultaneously is
7 principles
In comparison with food of plant origin meat has
Very high coefficient of digestibility
The amount of energy provided by meat consumed is related to
Content of fat in meat
Spoilage of food of animal origin is most often a result of
Biological factors
Biological spoilage of meat can be caused by
Bacteria, yeasts and moulds Insect and parasites All of the above (x)
Food having low water activity (Aw) is most often spoiled by
Biogenic amines are formed in food of animal origin as a result of
Decarboxylation of amino acids
Which biogenic amine is a food safety criterion
Decay of meat usually becomes noticeable at a superficial growth of
10^7 - 10^8 per 1 cm2
The period of time when the number of bacteria does not increase in the environment
Lag phase
Who explained the theoretical basis of food sterilization
Louis Pasteur
At what temperature myoglobulin denaturation occurs
D value is
Time at a given temperature to reduce a microbial population by 90%
Z-value is
Change in temperature needed to change D value by 90%
Assuming a reference temperature at 70C, pasteurisation value is
Minutes of heating at 70C
Infant botulism is mostly caused by consumption
Honey and maple syrup
Optimum growth temperature of psychrotrophs is?
Which risk factor was the most often out of compliance according to FDA Report in the occurrence of Foodborne illness risk factors in selected institutional foodservice, restaurant, and retail food store facility types
improper handling
The main functions of phosphates added to meat are
Increase water holding capacity and juiciness
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is
Flavour enhancer
The solution, over which the relative humidity is 97% has water activity?
In sterilised meat cans, nitrite is
Needed only to obtain the desire colour of meat
In which food is there the highest concentration of nitrates?
The best wood for smoking is
Oak, beech, elm
The most sensitive to bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects of smoking are
Vegetative forms of bacteria
The health hazards associated with smoking of food are related to
Presence of carcinogenic compounds in wood smoke and wood byproducts
Increasing the distance between the fire and products in the home
decreases harmful substances
What microorganisms are most resistant to a low pH
. What kind of seafood is the cause of viral outbreak
Parasites not harmful to human health, but causing the disgusting appearance of fish
Kudoa, tetrarhynchidae, parasitic crustaceans
What fields of veterinary public health are the most neglected in the poorest countries of the world
Control programs for the zoonotic diseases
How was development of European food law
Vertical directives, horizontal directives, towards food safety law
Harmonization of food law of the member states of EU was initiated in
HACCP was developed
in the 1960s
Requirement for all food businesses to adapt HACCP principles in EU is in
EU 852/2004
Rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) was introduced in EU by
Regulation 178/2004
Adverse reaction to a normally harmless substance in food doesn't cause the bodys immune response is
Food poisoning
Thickness of muscle fiber is important because
It affects tenderness of meat
Sarcoplasm (muscle cytoplasm) fills the interior of muscle fiber. It occupies
20% of the volume of muscle fiber
Contractile filaments (myofilaments) are the main structural component of muscle fibers. They occupy
65% of volume
Top 5 human serovars of salmonella in decreasing order are
S.enteritidis, s. Typhimurium, s.monophasic typhimurium, s.infanits, s.derby
The highest occurrence of campylobacter in food is in
fresh broiler meat
The most common method used to determine collagen content in meat is measurement
Extracellular fat, located in the adipose tissue is spare fat. It consists of
Which minerals present in meat are most important for human from nutritional point of view
Iron and zinc
During heat treatment of pork the cooking losses are the lowest in meats (found in lecture, table)
PSE beef should be used for production
Durable meat products
Free radicals are formed in food of animal origin as a result of
Fat oxidation