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Interstate Commerce Act

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Interstate Commerce Act

Law passed to regulate the railroad industry and other interstate businesses. was meant to prevent states from regulating the railroads, and pose a threat to the industry but it did not work.

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Andrew Carnegie

Led the expansion of STEEL in America, was part of vertical integration. He later went on to philanthropy, giving money back to people. Rags to riches. Bessemer steel process helped expansion.

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Social Darwinism

Idea that people in society are meant to become rich, powerful, and successful because they were destined to. Only the fittest will survive political and economic struggle. Having money means you are fit, being poor means you are unfit for survival

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Herbert Spencer

a philosopher, coined the term "survival of the fittest"

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Dawes Severalty Act

Homestead act for native americans where they were granted land if they assimilated. Wanted to get rid of natives. Bill did not work out well, bad for tribes

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Booker T. Washington

wanted African Americans to gradually gain their rights. Supporter of education and founded Tuskegee university. Hard work and personal development instead of rebellion

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Pendleton Act

states that government jobs be awarded based on merit and gov employees selected through competitive exams, ended the spoils system

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Homestead Act

act that offered land to settlers of wyoming, utah, and oregon

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Urbanization: movement of people from rural areas to citites for job opportunity (results in overcrowding)

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poorly built and overcrowded housing where many immigrants lived as a result of urbanization

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Ellis Island

busiest immigration processing center in new york (1892)

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"New Immigrants"

immigrants who came after 1880's from balkans, italy, poland and russian

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Political Machine

a party organization run by political boss to over take politics in the city, controlled voting to keep control of city

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Tammany Hall

political organization of democratic party in NYC, wanted political control through corruption and bossism

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Boss Tweed

political boss who was extremely corrupt, stole more than $100 million from the city

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Thomas Nast

political cartoonist who invented Uncle Sam, as well as elephant and donkey for the political parties, almost brought down Boss Tweed

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Battle of Wounded Knee

US soldiers massacred 300 unarmed Native Americans in 1890, ended the indian wars

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Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

Denied additional chinese laborers to enter the country, allowing students and merchants to immigrate

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Plessy V. Ferguson

important case legalized state ordered segregation as long as faciliites were "seperate but equal"

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Francis Willard

leader of unions to get rid of alcohol

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Woman's Christian Temperance Union

anti-liquor organization

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Sherman Antitrust Act

law that banned formation of trusts and monopolies on industry in US

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Spanish-American War

conflict between US and Spain, spain signed treaty of parish which made them cede their controlled territiories to the US such as Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phillipines

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Theodore Roosevelt

invented roosevelt corrolory, speak softly and carry and big stick, great white fleet, he hated big businesses and became a trust buster (brought down trusts)

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Yellow Journalism

Journalism that was over exaggerated or stretched truth, OG clickbait

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U.S.S. Maine

military ship in the dock of havana cuba that randomly exploded but US believed it was a spanish attack

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Open Door Policy

policy that states China is an open market and anyone can come and do business there, equal privileges for all countries trading with china. . Sent message to european powers that no one can conquer china. us foreign policy no one allowed to imperialize at all but only to protect our interest and trade

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Roosevelt challenged these huge companies which would normally control politicians to pay their workers fairly, treat them better and not overcharge the public

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Square Deal

Roosevelt worked out a deal with employees on a coal strike, owners didn't have to recognize their union but they had to pay their workers more. Protection of consumer, control of large corporations and conservation of natural resources

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W.E.B. Du Bois

Guy who disagreed with Booker T washington and argued black people don't need to accept the conditions and they should challenge the system, set the basic founding of the NAACP

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national association for the advancement of colored people, meant to improve political, educational, equality of minority groups and eliminate racial prejudice

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Roosevelt Corollary

roosevelt's foreign policy that stated no one except the united states would be able to intervene in latin american affairs

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Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

you can either do what we tell you to or we will bring force against you (great white fleet)

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Panama Canal

US recognized that Republic of Panama and the Hay- Bunau Varilla treaty was signed with Panama, giving America exclusive and permanent possession of the Panama canal zone. In exchange, panama received $10 mil, it was a geopolitical strategy to make US the most powerful nation on earth

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progressives worked to make American society a better and safer place to live. Tried to make big business more responsible through regulations of various kinds. Wanted to further social and political reform while curbing political corruption by political machines and limiting political influence of large corporations

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journalists who exposed the reality of political and economic corruption and social hardships caused by big business

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The Jungle

pointed out the bad working conditions and unsanitary food conditions of the meat packing industry, written by upton sinclair. led to new food safety laws

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Upton Sinclair

muckraker and author of the jungle

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Pure Food and Drugs Act

act prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure or falsely labeled food and drugs

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Great White Fleet

battleships sent by roosevelt in 1907 on a "good will cruise" around the world

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law forbidding the sale of the alcoholic beverage

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Henry Ford

car inventor and assembly line inventor

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Dollar Diplomacy

Use of a country's financial resources to extend its international influence. Created stability and order abroad in the best interest of US

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Mexican Revolution

fighting to overthrow the Diaz dictatorship. Ended the dictatorship and established a constitutional republic

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Franz Ferdinand

assassinated by serbian nationalist, started ww1

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Britain, France, and Russia- Later joined by Italy

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sister ship of the Titanic, sinking by Germany viewed as an atrocity

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Pancho Villa

raided american towns, pershing went after him but never caught him

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Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Germany resumed U-Boat attacks, hoped to end British aid and soften the blockade

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Zimmerman Telegram

Germans sent a telegram to Mexico asking them to join war, in exchange for land (New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas) but the telegram was intercepted by US

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Bolshevik Revolution

Russian Revolution, series of uprisings during WW1 led by Vladamir Lenin. The bolsheviks gained power and took down the czar, bolsheviks became communist party of Soviet Union

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John J. Pershing

sent to Mexico to capture Pancho Villa, named leader of the American Expeditionary Force, pushed for military preparedness

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Henry Cabot Lodge

republican who opposed woodrow over the treaty of versailles

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Warren G. Harding

nominated in place of Teddy Roosevelt (republican party), mainly neutral candidate wanted to return things to normal.

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The Birth of a Nation

written by Thomas Dixon, glamorized the KKK, emphasized racial tension The Great Migration: to escape racial violence and seek economic opportunity, african americans moved from south to north

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Treaty of Versailles

formally ended World War 1, placed fault of war on Germany. Made them pay reparations, disarm, lose territory and give up overseas territories

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League of Nations

proposed by the US and was an international organization created to provide a way to solve international disputes. US couldn't join tho because if one country when to war, then they all had to and congress didn't want this

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Sacco and Vanzetti

immigrant Italians (disliked) who allegedly murdered and robbed people found guilty even with weak evidence because people didn't like them. showed nativist feelings

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people who illegally made alcohol and sold it to clubs

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Al Capone

chicago vigilante controlled gambling, prostitution and bootlegging (ran chicago basically) murdered a gang to keep control

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major form of getting news out there, widespread entertainment, used by FDR in his fireside chats

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Red Scare

people fearing communism in the US bc many countries of communist ideals were immigrating to the United States

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Teapot Dome Scandal

scandal under harding who allowed Albert Fall to loan out federal oil reserves to private businesses for $400,000

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Harlem Renaissance

african american culture spreading in US

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F. Scott Fitzgerald

author of the great gatsby

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Scopes Trial

John T scopes found guilty of teaching evolution, making fundamentalism bad while evolution seemed good. (Kind of showed religion playing a role in law)

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Herbert Hoover

won election of 1928, wanted to expand on industry and rugged individualism. He was president during beginning of great depression, didn't help people out as much

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Stock Market Crash of 1929

happened because people were investing with borrowed money and couldn't pay back, stocks fell and people went broke. Factor in the great depression

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Black Thursday

first day of the stock market crash, lots of stocks bought on margin and the prices fell. Stock people lost all their money and lots of people killed themselves

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shanty towns where people lived because they couldn't afford anything else

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Bonus Army

army vets wanted a bonus from war bc they needed it so they set up camp in DC. They were asked to leave but didn't and fighting broke out

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

democratic president candidate had a successful political career. Helped US more than hoover did, the initatied New deal and governmental aid programs. Believed in capitalism, balanced budgets, and old standard.

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20th Amendment

Changed how fast we got presidents in office because the period in which we had no president was the worst, changed the dates for presidency, congress, and succession

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Margin Trading

buying stocks on credit when originally paying it upfront. believed stocks would rise and investors could sell it at a higher level while paying brokers and making a profit

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Insider Trading

illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information

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Smoot-Hawley Tariff

raised tariffs on foreign goods to encourage people to buy US products (meant to help our farmers) but foreign countries raised their prices for us

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Bank Failures

people lost faith in banks, took their money out and everyone was scared. Then there was no money left in the bank because we had no national system to insure bank deposits

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Banking Crisis

banks had no money over 1,000 close

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New Deal

3 R's, fixing the banks so they wouldn't completely collapse (which they were on the way to doing), he wanted to help people RN! So he instituted reform projects to combat the economic disaster

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Civilian Conservation Corps

young men hired to do public works, it helped keep boys off the streets and made them do productive stuff allowing them to earn an income for themselves and their families

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Tennessee Valley Authority

helped to develop natural resources, created jobs, power, flood control etc. One of the new deals' biggest achievements, the standard of living rose in poverty areas, they got electricity

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Agricultural Adjustment Act

prevented overproduction; helped biger farms

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Fair Labor Standards Act

granted right to minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor standards

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Security Exchange Commission

oversees stock and bond markets (makes sure nothing illegal happening by protecting investors and maintaining order)

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

insures bank depositis up to $5000, insurance for your money in the bank

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21st Amendment

allowed alcohol again

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Second New Deal

$4.8 billion for releif of the unemployed. Established works progress administration (jobs) lots of improvements social security act of 1935: gave elderly and poor people aid. Roosevelt made policies that didn't discriminate african americans, helped them court packing

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Works Progress Administration

ran by harry hopkins and created lots of jobs, and built infrastructure (improved facilities, playgrounds and schools)

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Social Security Act 1935

national pension and unemployment insurance meant to help the elderly, disabled, and others get help or aid

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Court Packing

FDR attempted to pack the court and replace the 50 judges over 70 who didn't retire because he wanted social welfare laws to be passed. the public heard and feared this would cause imbalance between the 3 branches.

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Neutrality Acts

Originally designed to avoid American involvement in World War II by preventing loans to those countries taking part in the conflict; they were later modified in 1939 to allow aid to Great Britain and other Allied nations. Money & trade with countires at war during time would be frozen/halted until out of war

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The Grapes of Wrath

showed the troubles that occurred for farmers during the Dust Bowl.

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a government ruled by a dictator who controls everyone's way of life, no one is allowed to disagree. authoritarian political regime, characterized by nationalism, militarism, centralized autocracy and dictatorship

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Adolf Hitler

leader of Nazi's in Germany "make Germany great again"

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Land that Germany thought was rightfully theirs due to the large German speaking population; taken back after hitler came to power

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Munich Conference 1938

Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign agreement by which Czechoslovakia must surrender it's border regions and defenses (the so- called Sudeten region) to Nazi Germany

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the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand german territory unchecked.

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Lighting war, Germany's method of attack. used ground troops, armored vehicles, and air support to overwhelm and encircle the enemy

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Winston Churchill

rallied the british people and led the country from the brink of defeat to victory, shaped allied strategy in the war

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Edward R. Murrow

American broadcast journalist who helped bring "The Blitz" (german bombings over london) to an American home. Helped influence American emotions towards the war and used new reporting techniques to emphasize the events

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