what was greek fire?
-a closely held secret of weaponry
-believed to be a gasoline/phosphorus mix
-could start fire on water
what was iconclasm?
-when leo iii destroyed all icons
-equated practice as worshipping idols (forbidden in old testament).
-sale of icons was major source of income
--occurred in flurry in east
where was leavened bread?
-in the east
-unleavened in the west
-caused arguments at times
who was justinian?
-tried to reconquer western territories (failed)
-ruled over north africa
--control did not last long
who was constantine and what was constantinople?
-roman emperor who converted to christianty
-created vibrant city constantinople which had trading hub, lucrative industries, chariot races, and unshared wealth
how long did the byzantine empire last?
-fell in 1453
-spanned from western rome to eastern constantiople (~1100 years)
what was the threat of muslim incursions?
-wanted to reconquest their territory
-were pushed southward
what was life like in the byzantine empire?
-life dependent on social status at birth
-learned techniques from china
-trade crucial
-production of luxury items
-monopoly on silk production
how did byzantines get silk from china?
travel and trade
what were the nika riots?
-two political factions that supported different chariot racing teams broke out in a riot, allying themselves together to throw out justinian.
-theodora counseled justinian to confront rioters and put down revolt brutally (killed 30k, crushed political opposition)
what were the entertainments?
chariot races (similar to colosseum)
what was the hagia sophia?
massive church in justinians rebuiling campaign, known as the holy wisdom
what was the importance of alexander?
-never lost, “reorganized”
-massive empire
-used satrap system
-almost constant warfare system between arabian empires and roman empire
who was cyrus the great?
-military genius
-controlled 2000 mile span empire
-kindness towards conquered people
-honored local customs and religion
-considered to be one of the gods by jewish people
what was zoroastrianism?
-persian monotheistic religion
-revealed truth through prophet zoroaster
-good went to heaven, bad went to hell
-influenced abrahamic faiths
-alexander of macedon dismantled faith when he conquered persia
what was the royal road?
structure built by persians, connects persians by their satraps (admin units)
what is a satrap?
royal governors
who was ahura mazda?
-wise lord in zoroastrianism
-revealed the truth through the prophet zoroaster
what were some legacies of alexander?
-never left a formal legacy
-created interstate roadways
-never lost
-satrap system
what was life like in the islamic golden age?
-religious freedoms
-advanced learning and culture
-critical to trade
-central to maritime and overland routes
-depository for ancient greek and roman learning
-contributed engineering, entertainment, science, petroleum products, math, spinning wheel, etc.
what were some scientific achievements of this time?
clinical trials, planetariums, observatories, medicine, hospitals
what were some trade and inventions of this time?
spinning wheel, universities, hospitals, windmill, papermill, traded techniques, ideas, etc.
what was the battle of kalinga?
-most important war of india
-ended with successful mission of peace for the entire war-torn humanity
what were the rock edicts about?
-rock formations with inscriptions
-focus on life ashoka assumed after horror of kalinga
-buddhist teachings of peace and benevolence
what happened to ashoka after the battle of kalinga?
-horrified about loss of life
-converted to buddhism
-practiced ahimsa
-built rock edicts
-sent missionaries from empire to spread buddhism
what were some accomplishments of the mauryan empire?
-built hospitals and veterinary centers
-roads to improve communication and travel
what were some achievements of the gupta empire?
-strongly favored hinduism
-advances in math (true number 0, pi, earth rotates on axis, chess, literature)
what was angkor wat?
largest temple in the world
what was life like along the silk road in the early ce era?
-mix of hindu and buddhist states
-maritime trading
-largely forgotten until 20th century