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What led New Amsterdam to become New York?
England's King Charles gave the colony to his brother, the Duke of York, who renamed it New York.
what were two main beliefs of the quakers who founded pennsylvania?
everyone was equal and could follow inner light
Who wrote Pennsylvania's first constitution and also designed Philadelphia?
william penn
What did indentured servants promise to do to pay for their passage to America?
agree to work without pay for certain time
what caused bacon's rebellion in western virgina?
opposed colonial gov because it was dominated by easterners
2 crops that dominated agriculture in southern colony of carolina
rice & indigo
Who received a charter from King George II to establish the colony of Georgia?
james oglethorpe
What made large-scale farming difficult in New England?
long winters and rocky soil
what group did southern planters exploit as their farming operations expanded?
the work of enslaved Africans
What was the Middle Passage?
The journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas
what are the principles of gov from the eng system that the u.s. constitution us based upon?
protecting rights and representative legislature
what were the characteristics of family life for most early american families?
close relationships, depended on each other to survive, women = cooking, cleaning, laundry, child care. men = plant crops, tend to livestock, build homes
what was the great awakening that swept thru the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s?
a religious revival
landowners who received grants, ruled like kings and had their own courts and laws
ethnic groups
large groups of people who share ancestral, language, cultural, or religious ties and a common identity
people who refuse to fight in any war because they believe war is evil
Indentured Servants
Colonists who received free passage to North America in exchange for working without pay for a certain number of years
large area of land that has one owner
detailed written plan for a government; a list of basic laws that support a government
a blue flowering plant used to dye cloth
person or country that owes money
subsistence farming
producing just enough to meet immediate needs
triangular trades
pattern of trade that developed in colonial times among the americans, africa, europe
slave codes
rules governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved africans
william penn
founded pennsylvania after receiving land from king, used it to practice quaker beliefs
nathaniel bacon
a young planter in western virginia that opposed colonial gov. known for bacons rebellion
bacons rebellion
armed rebellion held by virginia settlers taking place from 1676-1677 led by nathanial bacon
the great awakening
Religious revival in the American colonies of the eighteenth century during which a number of new Protestant churches were established.
john locke
eng philosopher who wrote a constitution for gov of carolina, known for writing the constitution and pioneered the ideas of natural law