What did the Christian church use to maintain power/money?
Through the sale of indulgences, slips that would excuse people from their sins and simony, when they would put positions in the church up for sale
This caused confidence in the church to decline
What were Protestants
A branch of Christianity
Who was Martin Luther?
He was a catholic monk who created the 95 thesis which talked about how corrupt the church was
Why was Martin Luther’s influence so big?
His influence expanded greatly due to the printing press
What did the church do in response of Martin Luther’s influence?
They indulged in a reformation called the catholic reformation (also called the counter reformation)
What was the Council of Trent?
hosted meetings by the church during reformation in which they got rid of many of their corrupt practices
this marked a CHANGE
What continuity also occured at the Council of Trent
Catholics reaffirmed their ancient doctrines of salvation by faith AND works
The nature of biblical authority
Made the split between the Catholics and Protestants complete
What effects did the split have on state power?
Various rulers across Europe remained Catholic or imposed Protestantism upon the people they ruled
Intensified religious division leading to a series of religious wars in Europe
Why was conflict between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire so important?
It was because of their political rivalry that the split between the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam intensified
What happened between the Bhaktis and Sufis?
Because they both shared many similar beliefs and practices, some exchange and blending occured
What is Sikhism?
A new belief system that blended elements of Islam and Hinduism
It represents a continuity because is held onto significant doctrines of both belief systems
It also represented change because as it developed, many distinctions were discarded such as the caste system and gender hierarchies