Book 1 & 2 & 8 (not really complete)
What was Augustine's initial perception of God during his turbulent years?
A) God was always present and guiding him
B) God was silent and offered no comfort
C) God was punishing him for his sins
D) God was only present through his mother.
What realization did Augustine come to about his parents' focus on his education?
A) They prioritized his spiritual growth over studies.
B) They wanted him to marry
C) They were only concerned with his future success.
D) They believed education would lead him to God.
How did Augustine view his mother's warnings against sin?
A) As wise and necessary guidance
B) As womanish and something to be ignored
C) As irrelevant to his life choices.
D) As a source of inspiration.
Aurelius Augustinus
Who is the author of “The Confessions”?
Patricius & Monica
Who were Augustinus’ parents?
345, Tagaste, Africa
Augustinus was born in _____ AD in _____
devout Christian
Augustinus’ mother was a _____
Augustinus’ father was a _____
1.Who was Saint Augustine
A) A Pagan and A Christian
B) A doctor of the church and significant Christian thinker
C) A philosopher of ancient Greece
D) The Pope of Hippo
In what year was Augustine ordained as a priest?
A) 354 AD
B) 386 AD
C) 391 AD
D) 430 AD
How long did Augustine serve as the Bishop of Hippo?
A) 10 years
B) Until he went back to Africa
C) Until his death
D) Until he retired
Bishop Valerius of Hippo
Who ordained Augustine as a priest?
What was the name of Augustine’s friend who gave him a lesson and a moment of ephiphany?
What is the name of Augustine’s friend who also decided to convert to the Christian faith?
Carnal & Spiritual
What were Augustine’s two conflicting wills?