NCEA Psychology

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when researchers wrongly assume findings about one group can be applied to everyone

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when psychological researchers assume that their cultural practice is the correct one and others are therefore wrong

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cultural relativism

The ability to correct one’s ethnocentrism

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etic approach

Looking across cultures to identify universal behaviours

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emic approach

Identifying culturally specific behaviours

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Alpha bias

when researchers put too much emphasis on the the differences between men and women

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Beta bias

when researchers minimise the differences between men and women. Leads to Androcentrism

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where the male perspective is seen as right/normal, which in turn makes the female perspective abnormal

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alpha bias study

Freud’s theory of Penis Envy

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beta bias study

The Stanford prison experiment. 24 participants, all male, generalised to all prisoners including female.

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gender bias studies

  • Stanford Prison Experiment (Beta Bias)

  • Freud's theory of Penis Envy (Alpha bias)

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cultural bias study

stanford prison experiment (all european except one hispanic)

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Freud's Theory of Penis Envy

In this theory, girls must resolve a sexual conflict that they must resolve during their stages of development and learning. This causes them to be envious of boys as they wish they had a penis. This is a clear example of alpha bias because Freud placed heavy emphasis on the stark difference between a girl’s anatomy compared to a boy’s anatomy.

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gender bias improvements study

Stanford Marshmallow Experiment by Mischel

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