Vocab - Unit 4

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Sampling Distribution Model
The distribution that shows the behavior of a statistic (value from a sample) with its sampling variability over all possible samples of the same sample size n
The distribution that shows the behavior of a statistic (value from a sample) with its sampling variability over all possible samples of the same sample size n
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Central Limit Theorem
The sampling distribution model of means/proportions is approximately Normal for ā€œlarge enoughā€ sample size n as long as the observations are independent
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Law of Diminishing Returns
The standard deviation of a sampling distribution model decreases by the square root of the sample sizeā€¦ e.g. quadruple the sample size ā†’ standard deviation cut in half
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Large Enough Sample Condition
A ā€œlarge enoughā€ sample size is necessary to ensure the CLT ā€œkicks inā€ (Success/Failure Condition for proportions; n ā‰„ 30 often sufficient for means if data is not severely skewed
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Standard Error of Proportions
An estimate of the unknown standard deviation for sigma sub p-hat for a sampling distribution of proportions using a sample statistic
An estimate of the unknown standard deviation for sigma sub p-hat for a sampling distribution of proportions using a sample statistic
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Confidence Interval
An interval of values found from a sample that has a statistical probability of capturing the true population parameter (which is unknown)
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Critical Value
The number of standard errors to move away from the sample statistic in order to determine a confidence interval, denoted as z\* for Normal models and t\* for t-models
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Margin of Error
The extent of a confidence interval on either side of the sample statistic (Ā± of a poll, for example)
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Hypothesis Test
A statistical procedure that involves comparing a sample statistic to a proposed model in order to infer about the associated population parameter
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Null Hypothesis
A baseline hypothesis (H0) that is originally assumed to be true about a population
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Alternative Hypothesis
A hypothesis (HA) about a population that a test is trying to provide evidence for in order to reject the null hypothesis
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One-Tailed Hypothesis Test
A hypothesis test that is interested in deviations on only one side of the null hypothesis value; involves the sign > or <
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Two-Tailed Hypothesis Test
A hypothesis test that is interested in deviations on either side of the null hypothesis value; involved the sign ā‰ 
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The probability that the observed statistic (or a more extreme one) could occur, by chance, if the null hypothesis was true
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Significance/Alpha Level
The cutoff *P*-value that determines when to reject the null hypothesis, denoted by the Greek letter alpha (Ī±); the most common levels are 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01
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Statistically Significant
If the *P*-value falls below the significance/alpha level, then the test is said to be statistically significant at that level, meaning that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null because the observed difference is too large to believe that it was likely to have occurred naturally
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Studentā€™s *t* Model
A family of distributions whose shapes are roughly ā€œbell-shapedā€ and unimodal/symmetric, but are shorter and wider with fatter tails than Normal modelsā€¦ used when the true population standard deviation for a sampling distribution of means is unknown
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Degrees of Freedom
Found by subtracting 1 from the sample size (*df* = *n*-1); defines the specific *t*-distribution to be used as a model, affecting the spread of the curveā€¦. approaches Normal as *df* increases
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Standard Error of Means
An estimate of the unknown standard deviation sigma sub x-bar for a sampling distribution of means using a sample statistic s sub x
An estimate of the unknown standard deviation sigma sub x-bar for a sampling distribution of means using a sample statistic s sub x
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Standardized value that identifies how many standard errors a value is from the sampling distribution mean
Standardized value that identifies how many standard errors a value is from the sampling distribution mean
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Paired Data
Observations that are collected in pairs or for which one group is naturally related to the other group, such as before/after treatment
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Paired Data Condition
The condition of relationship between the two groups of data that must be met for the use of a paired *t*-testā€¦ groups should NOT be independent of each other
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Type I Error
Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true, which has the probability of Ī± (false positive)
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Type II Error
Failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is in fact false, which has the probability of Ī²
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The probability that a hypothesis test will correctly reject a false null hypothesis; 1-Ī²
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Effect Size
The difference between the null hypothesis value (*p*0 or Āµ0) and the true value (*p* or Āµ)ā€¦ how far off from whatā€™s actually true is the null hypothesis? As effect size increases, the likelihood of seeing sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis increases; thus, power increases