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right side
what side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from tissues and pumps via pulmonary circuit?
left side
what side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps via systemic circuit?
right atrium
which receiving chamber of the heart receives blood returning from the systemic circuit?
left atrium
which receiving chamber of the heart receives blood returning from the pulmonary circuit?
right ventricle
which pumping chamber pumps blood through the pulmonary circuit?
left ventricle
which pumping chamber pumps blood through the systemic circuit?
what is the area between the lungs referred to as?
between second rib and fifth intercostal space
where is the mediastinum?
left hip
where does the apex of the heart point towards?
right shoulder
where does the base of the heart lean towards?
fifth and sixth ribs
the apical impulse is palpated between the ______________, just below the left nipple
parietal layer
what layer lines the internal surface of the fibrous percardium?
visceral layer or epicardium
what layer is on the external surface of the heart?
pericardial cavity
what separates the parietal layer and visceral layer of the heart?
inflammation of pericardium
what is percarditis?
what layer of the heart wall consists of spiral bundles of contractile cardiac muscle cells?
what layer of the heart wall is continuous with endothelial lining of blood vessels and lines the heart chambers?
interartrial septum
what separates the atria?
remnant of foramen ovale of fetal heart
what is the fossa ovalis?
interventricular septum
what separates the ventricles?
coronary sulcus
what encircles junction of the atria and ventricles?
what are appendages that increase atrial volume?
trabeculae carneae
what are irregular ridges of muscle on the ventricle walls?
papillary mucles
what anchors the chordae tendineae?
what is the largest artery in the body?
ensure unidirectional blood flow through heart
what is a major purpose of the heart valves?
pressure changes
heart valves open and close in response to ______________
atrioventricular valves
of the heart valves, which set prevents backflow into atria when ventricles contract?
tricuspid valve
what is the right atrioventricular valve called?
mitral valve
what is the left atrioventricular valve called?
semilunar valves
of the heart valves, which set prevents backflow into atria when ventricles relax?
intercalated discs
cardiac muscle cells are striated and have ____________, which are junctions between cells
within cardiac muscle, ________ prevents cells from separating during contraction
gap junctions
within cardiac muscle, _____________ allows ions to pass from cell to cell; electrical impulses can travel fast and at once
cardiac veins
what collects blood from capillary beds?
coronary sinus
what empties blood into the right atrium and is formed by merging cardiac veins?
angina pectoris
what condition is characterized by thoracic pain caused by deficiency in blood delivery to myocardium, weakening cells?
myocardial infarction
what condition is characterized by prolonged coronary blockage, where areas that suffered cell death are repaired with noncontractile scar tissue?
central blood-containing space
what is the lumen?
tunica lumina
what wall layer in arteries + veins lines the lumen as the endothelium?
vasoconstriction and vasodilation of vessels
what do the sympathetic vasomotor nerve fibers of the tunica media/muscularis control?
protect and reinforce
what do the collagen fibers of the tunica externa do?
elastic arteries
what acts as pressure reservoirs by expanding and recoiling as blood is ejected from the heart?
(hint: inactive in vasoconstriction)
muscular arteries
what type of artery delivers blood to body organs and is active in vasoconstriction?
what type of artery are the smallest and control flow into capillary beds via vasodilation and vasoconstriction?
how many RBCs can pass through a capillary at one point in time?
continuous capillaries
what type of capillary contains tight junctions and connects endothelial cells?
fenestrated capillaries
what type of capillary can contain pores and can be found in the small intestine, endocrine glands, and kidneys?
sinusoid capillaries
what type of capillary are fenestrated with larger intercellular spaces and can be found in the liver, bone marrow, spleen, and adrenal medulla?
what are small vessels linking arterioles with capillaries?
precapillary sphincters
what can be found within metarterioles, where they are made of smooth muscle cell and regulate blood flow into true capillaries?
what cell within venules help stabilize blood vessel walls and control permeability?
which has lower blood pressure?
1. veins
2. arteries
tunica externa
what wall layer of veins is thick and made of collagen fibers and elastic networks?
venous valves
what prevents backflow of blood within veins?
venous sinuses
what are flattened veins with extremely thin walls?
(example: coronary sinus of heart + dural sinuses of brain)