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True or false: Increased risk of food borne illness during pregnancy
Listeria (monocytogenes)
Bacterial infection found in uncooked meals and veggies, milk, and ready to eat foods such as deli meat
parasite found in undercooked meat & cat litter
What is the preferred method of feeding for new borns and infants?
What is the ideal form of breastfeeding
Exclusive breast-feeding: can help with both mom and baby
Breastfeeding the -----
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for MOTHER:
- lose FAT faster
- build emotional and physical bond w/ baby
- decreased risk of breast & ovarian cancer
- save money
Benefits of breast-feeding a NEWBORN
Less likely to experience:
- allergies & intolerance
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is idiopathic
What are the large nutrients in breast-milk
- iron
- folic acid
- alpha lactalbumin
- lactoferrin
immune goblin A: antibody
What is the volume of INITIAL meals in an infants stomach
FIRST milk produced after birth, THINNER consistency, slightly yellow
Benefits of Colostrum (first milk)
- high in protein
- promotes growth
- contains maternal antibodies (coat GI tract) and serve as laxative
babys first bowel movement (poop)
True or false: does colostrum coat the GI tract and create protective barrier?
How long do you exclusively breastfeed for?
How long is continued supplemental breast-feeding?
True or false: can you introduce solids after 6 months of breastfeeding?
True or false: breast milk has nutritional value AFTER 1 year
For pre-mature babies, you must extend breastfeeding period by how many months early they were
ex: 2 months premature, 2 months extra of breastfeeding
What is the calorie requirement for mom if EXCLUSIVELY breastfeeding?
640 calories PER day for SIX (6) MONTHS
Where do the calories for mom who exclusively breastfeeds come from?
- some from fat stores
- 500 cal from for 1st 6 months
- 400 cal a day for 2nd 6 months
What is the CARB requirement for breastfeeding mothers
increase 80g from pre-pregnancy requirements
What is the PROTEIN requirement for breastfeeding mothers
increase by 15-20g above pre-pregnancy requirements
What is the FAT requirement for breastfeeding mothers
NO MORE than 30-35% total calories from fat
- at least 10 % from monounsaturated
- at least 10% from polyunsaturated fat
What are the iron requirements for breastfeeding mothers
DECREASE iron during lactation
What are the rapid growth stats for a babys FIRST year
- DOUBLE 2x birth weight by 4 to 6 months
- TRIPLE 3x weight by 12 months
What are the HIGH calorie needs for a baby to support rapid growth?
40-50 calories per pound body weight per day
What is the percentage of FAT needed for a growing baby?
- 50 to 60%
- needed for growth and development
What is the percentage of protein needed for a growing baby?
- NO MORE than 20% of total calories from protein
True or false: Infants are at an increased risk of dehydration?
Why are infants at an increased risk of dehydration?
- lose more water via EVAPORATION (they sweat a lot)
- kidneys are not fully developed
True or false: babies have a GREATER surface area compared to adults?
How much fluid does a baby need?
- 1/3 cup per pound of body weight (up to 18lbs)
True or false: If a baby is a year or UNDER, can you give them other kinds of milk such as cow or goat?
FALSE - does not meet infant needs
What are the vitamin & mineral needs beyond milk?
- vitamin K: shot given to babies at birth in US
- vitamin D: low in breast milk
- Iron: needed for exclusively breast-fed infants 4-6 months of age
- fluoride: breast-fed infants OVER 6 months of age
- B12: for babies who had vegan mother POST 6 months supplement
How long till nutrients decrease in breast milk?
3 months
True or false: A healthy baby is born with adequate iron and zinc
True or false: infants stores used up by 6 months?
Complementary foods (for infants)
Solds & liquids that join breast-feeding in normal progression toward adult eating patterns. Given w/ breastmilk
What can happen if you introduce solids too early (before 6 months)
- babies enzyme for digestion
- can increase type 1 diabetes
- risk of anemia (fruits & veggies)
- choking
- obesity
What nutrients are problematic for breast-fed infants after 6 months of age with solid foods?
iron , zinc, vit. A, and vit B6
Extrusion Reflex
by 6 months of age babies have tongue-thrusting reflex
What are the steps to prevent allergies?
- introduce 1 food at a time
- watch for food allergies (expose)
- easy and tolerable to digest
- variety
What are simple solid foods babies can begin with?
- iron fortified cereal
- rice cereal
- fruits & veggies
- meats
Bottle- mouth syndrome
- TOOTH DECAY (production of lactic acid that can wear down tooth enamel)
- infants or toddlers who go to bed w/ bottle or sippy cup of milk or juice