Functions of cerebellum
Voluntary smooth coordinated movement
Anterior lobe
spinal cerebellum
posterior lobe
cerebral cerebellum
flocculonodular lobe
vestibular lobe
Superior cerebellar peduncle
brachium conjunctivum, connects the cerebellum to the midbrain. Although it contains a limited number of input fibers, its most abundant and most important components are output fibers.
middle cerebellar peduncle
brachium pontis, is the largest peduncle and connects the basilar part of the pons to the cerebellum. Its fibers are entirely input.
inferior cerebellar peduncle
arches dorsally from the dorsolateral surface of the medulla. Its composition is chiefly input fibers, although it does contain some output fibers. It consists of a large lateral part, the restiform body, and a small medial part, the juxtarestiform body.
flocculonodular lobe
anterior lobe
posterior lobe
ridges and Gyri in the cerebellum
primary fissure
posterolateral fissure
fastigial nuclei
Interposed nuclei
Emboliform and globus nuclei
dentate nuclei
Functions of posterior lobe
Upper extremities, precise coordinated movement
posterior lobe syndrome
intentional tremor, perpendicular movement to intended, dysmetria
inputs to posterior lobe
(Corticopontine fibers) Association cortexâ internal capsule/ crus cerebri â Pontine nuclei
(Pontocerebellar fibers) Pontine nucleiâ transverse pontocerebellar fibers/middle cerebellar peduncleâ Dentate nucleus
outputs to posterior lobe
(Dentatothalamic fibers) Dentate nucleusâ Superior cerebellar peduncle and decussationâ Thalamus
(Thalamocortical fibers) Thalamusâ internal capsuleâ Motor cortex
Functions of anterior lobe
Axial and lower extremity movements (gait and station)
anterior lobe syndrome
Loss of coordination in lower limbs (Heel-shin test)
inputs to the anterior lobe from the lower limb
(primary sensory neuron) Dorsal root ganglia (L and S)â gracile tractâ dorsal thoracic nucleus of Clarke
(Secondary neuron) Dorsal thoracic nucleus of clarkeâ Dorsal spinocerebellar tract/ inferior cerebellar peduncleâ Fastigial nucleus/interposed nuclei
inputs to anterior lobe from upper limb
(Primary sensory neuron) Dorsal root ganglion (C)â cuneate tractâ accessory cuneate nucleus
(Secondary neuron) Accessory cuneate nucleusâ inferior cerebellar peduncleâ Fastigial nucleus/ interposed nucleus
outputs from the anterior lobe
(output 1) Fastigial nucleusâ Inferior cerebellar peduncleâ vestibular nuclei
(output 2) interposed nucleiâ Superior cerebellar peduncle and decussationâ red nucleus
functions of flocculonodular lobe
Eye, Neck, and trunk movement
flocculondodular lobe syndrome
Trunkal Ataxia
inputs to flocculonodular lobe
(primary sensory neuron) Vestibular apparatus of the inner earâ CN VIIIâ Vestibular nuclei
(secondary neuron) Vestibular nucleiâ Inferior cerebellar peduncleâ Fastigial nucleus
outputs from the flocculondular lobe
(fastigiobulbar projection) Fastigial nucleusâInferior cerebellar peduncleâ Vestibular nuclei
(vestibulospinal and vestibuloocular projections) Vestibular nucleiâ Medial longitudinal fasciculusâ CN III, IV, VI nuclei and medial motor nucleus in spinal cord.