Light tight box / Camera
It houses the main parts in the instument of photography
It allows light inside the camera.
The size of the diaphragm opening
Metal blades that closes and opens
It is placed in front of the lens; it allows light into the film
Shutter speed dial
It controls the speed of the shutter.
Shutter release button
It controls the opening and dosing of shutter.
This is where you can look in the camera in order for you to see your object.
it uses the aid of a microscope connected / installed into a camera to see the minute details.
It enlarges an object using a macro lens.
It is used to capture far away objects.
It is usually used in film taking.
General view
location and direction of a crime scene
Medium view
Shows the nature of the crime.
Close-up view
Shows the details of the crime.
Extreme Close up view
Usually done in the laboratory for minute objects.
Camera Obscura (Dark Room)
The first camera in the world but it does not produce a permanent image.
Alhazen (Ibn Al Haytham)
He is the one who made the Camera Obscura
Joseph Nicephone Niepce
He created the process of l where it contains silver haliches and it produces a permanent image.
The view from the window of Le Gras
It is the first permanent image in the world.
Greek word of sun
Greek word for write
Louis Daguerre
He improved Heliography by adding mercury vapor.
Camera made by Louis Daguerre
Henry Fox Talbot
He made contact printing as well the Calotype known as Beautiful Image.
Film and photographic paper
These are synthetized material
Edwin Land
He invented the Polaroid Camera.
Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR)
It is the most ideal and best camera for police photography.
Steve Sasson
He mad the DSLR camera in his company Eastman Kodak Company in 1975.
Dual lens / Double Lens
Not ideal for police photography because it creates parallax error.