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A flexible protein that helps keep bones from being brittle by providing toughness.
Reticular fibers
Thinner collagen fibers that form lattice-like structures in tissues, providing support.
The lattice-like structure found in spongy bone.
Cells that produce the matrix in cartilage, similar to osteoblasts in bone.
Irregular connective tissue covering of most cartilage types, except articular cartilage.
The strongest type of cartilage containing thick collagen fibers; acts as shock absorbers.
Hyaline cartilage
A type of cartilage that appears glassy and is found in joints, the rib cage, and the respiratory tract.
Elastic cartilage
A type of cartilage with many elastic fibers that can stretch and recoil, found in structures like the ear.
A flap that closes over the trachea during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway.
Exocrine glands
Glands that have ductwork to secrete substances close to where they're produced.
Endocrine glands
Glands that release hormones directly into the bloodstream without ductwork.
Mucous membranes
Membranes that line passages open to the outside of the body, secreting mucus for protection.
Serous membrane
Membrane that lines body cavities and secretes serous fluid to reduce friction.
The process of replacing damaged tissue with the same type of cells, restoring function.
The replacement of damaged tissue with connective tissue, leading to loss of function.
Action potential
A rapid change in membrane potential that propagates a signal along neurons and muscle fibers.
Neuroglial cells
Supporting cells in the nervous system that protect and assist neurons.
Merocrine glands
Glands that secrete by exocytosis, releasing substances without losing cellular material.
Apocrine glands
Glands that release substances by pinching off a portion of the cell's membrane.
Holocrine glands
Glands that release their secretion by disintegrating whole cells.
Skeletal muscle
Striated muscle tissue involved in voluntary movements, attached to bones.
Cardiac muscle
Involuntary striated muscle tissue found only in the heart, allowing for synchronized contractions.
Smooth muscle
Involuntary muscle found in walls of hollow organs, controlling movements like digestion.