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a carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated and all other factors are held constant
3 hallmarks of an experiment
random assignment, control group, manipulation of an independent variable
control group
group of people who are not treated in the particular way that the experimental group is treated in an experiment; “comparison” group
experimental group
group of people who are treated in a particular way in an experiment; get the manipulation
random assignment
participants are assigned to different experimental and control groups or “conditions” on the basis of chance and chance alone
between participants design
different but equivalent participants randomly assigned to each level of the experiment
within groups design
all participants are exposed to each of the experimental conditions; “repeated measures” design
the affect order may have
double bind experiment
an experiment in which neither the subjects nor research staff who interact with them knows who is in what condition
quasi-experimental designs
provide alternate means for examining casualty in situations where random assignment and/or manipulation are lacking
correlational research
studies the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics
positive correlation
both variables increase or decrease together (arrows move together)
negative correlation
as one variable increases, the other decreases (arrows move in different directions)
illusory correlation
seeing relationships between two things when in reality, no such relationship exists
confounding variable
unanticipated outside factor that affects both variables of interest, often giving the false impression that changes in one variable causes changes in the other variable, when, in reality, the outside factor causes changes in both variables