person-environment fit (P-E)
the compatibility between an individual and their work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched
person-organization fir (P-O)
reflects the extent to which your personality and values match the climate and culture in an organization
organizational culture
the set of shared, taken for granted, implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.
Four characteristics of organizational culture
Shared concept, learned over time, influences our behavior at work, impacts outcomes at multiple levels
The 5 elements that drive organizational culture
1- Founders Values; 2- Industry and Business Environment; 3- The national culture; 4- the organizations vision and strategies; 5- the behavior of the leaders
Influences the organizational structure and internal processes
The organizational structure does what for a company?
The group and social processes
What affects the work attitudes and behaviors in a company?
Organizational structure and internal processes
What affects a companies group and social processes?
observable artifacts
the physical manifestations of an organizations culture
Observable artifacts, espoused versus enacted values, and basic underlying assumptions
What are the three levels of organizational structure?
espoused values
explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization
enacted values
values and norms that are actually exhibited or converted into an employees behaviors.
basic underlying assumptions
organizational values that have become taken for granted overtime that guide behavior; very resistant the change
the awards that are given out, the stories that people tell about an organization, rituals, ceremonies, designated parking spots; the things that you can see
espoused values
generally established but the founder or top managers of an organization
companies ability to make a profit without sacrificing resources
Four functions of organizational culture
Establish organizational identity
Act as sense making device
Encourage collective commitment
Ensure social system stability
Social system stability (encourage)
reflects the extent to which the work environment is perceived as positive
Act as sense making device
Helping employees make sense of their surroundings and understand why the organization does what it does - explaining things
Competing values framework
provides practical way of framework for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture
Types of organizational structure
Clan (collaborate), Adhocracy (Create), Hierarchy (Control), and Market (Compete)
Clan (collaborate)
Internal structure, family type culture, devote many resources to hiring, collaborate, trust are all characteristics of which type of organizational structure
Adhocracy (Create)
Creation of new products and services, adaptive culture, creative, fast to respond to the market, external focus and flexibility valued, think outside the box are all characteristics of what type of organizational structure
Hierarchy (Control)
internally focused, formalized and structured work environment, stability and control valued over flexibility, efficiency, timeliness are all characteristics of what type of organizational structure
Market (Compete)
strong external focus and stability, control valued, driven by competition, driven by strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals are all characteristics of what type of organizational control
HIerarchy (Control)
Which type of organizational structure is assessed with measurements like efficiency, timeliness, and readability?
______ type represents competing values
a made analysis that measures the strength of the relationship between nine different organizational outcomes and then compare that to the four different culture types
culture; effectiveness
Organizational ________ is related to measure of organizational ________.
Employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with _______ culture.
clan, adhocracy, market
Innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with _____, ______, and _______ cultures.
_______ performance is NOT strongly related to organizational culture.
Companies with _______ cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.
Distinctive clusters of ideologies
Subcultures and how they form
Functional operational groups, geographical groups, occupational groups, work roles, divisions, departments, products, markets, levels of management are all characteristics of what?
_______ lead employees to focus on different values, especially if you have many of them within an organization.
_______ are the architects/developers or organizational change.
artifacts, espoused values, basic underlying assumptions
What are the one of three levels of organizational structure that managers must target to start with changing the culture?
the long term goal that describes what the organization wants to become
strategic plan
outlines a long term goal and the actions that it must take to achieve the long term goal
a structured plan
What must you use when implementing culture change?
formal statements, design of physical space
What are two mechanisms for creating culture change?
formal statements
Organizational philosophy, mission, vision, values, materials used for recruiting all describe what?
design of physical space; one of twelve mechanisms for creating culture change
physical spacing among people in the office describes what?
Explicit rewards, status symbols
Which type of mechanism is one of the strongest ways to embed culture?
stories, legends, or myths
Which type of mechanism of changing culture is a powerful way to send messages about values that are desired?
role modeling, training, coaching
Structured training is a characteristic of which mechanism for changing culture?
organizational activities and processes
Which mechanism of culture change do you need to focus on to ensure that employees are paying attention to the things they can control?
leader reactions to critical incidents
When people learn and pay attention to emotions of leaders and seeing that positive emotions spread are characteristics of which mechanism for culture change?
rites and rituals
planned and unplanned ceremonies is characteristics of which mechanism of culture change
workflow and organizational structure
Empowering employees and increasing employee involvement is a characteristic of which mechanism of culture change?
organizational socialization
the process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit them to participate as a member of an organization
organizational socialization
Anticipatory socialization, encounter, change and acquisition are steps in the three phase model to _________ process.
Anticipatory socialization
What is the first phase/phase one to the organizational process?
Anticipatory socialization
Occurs before an individual joins an organization. Explains what the individual already knows about the organization that comes from the internet, current employees, and social media
realistic job previews
The phase where you mitigate unrealistic expectations that influences higher job performance and lower turnover
Employee comes to learn what the organization is really like in the _______ phase
What is phase two of the organization socialization process?
Change and Acquisition
What is phase 3 of the organization socialization process?
change and acquisition
Employees master important tasks and roles and adjust to their groups norms and values in the _______ phase.
Effective _______ programs result in increased retention, productivity, and rates and task completion for new hires.
Many organizations use ________ tactics to reinforce a culture that promotes ethical behavior.
Managers need to help new hires integrate with the _______ to overcome stress associated with a new environment.
Managers should pay attention to the __________ of diverse employees.
career related and psycho-social related
What are the general functions of mentoring?
career related
Sponsorship, coaching, exposure, protection and challenging assignments are all characteristics of _______ in the general mentoring process?
psycho-social related
Role modeling, acceptance and conformation, counseling and friendship are all characteristics of the ________ in the general mentoring process?
the process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between an variety of developers and a junior person
______ occurs over four phases.
Initiation, Cultivation, Separation, and redefinition
What are the four phases of mentoring?
Interacting as equls and peers
The separation of the mentor and mentee
social capital
Productive potential resulting from relationships, goodwill, cooperation
According to many CEOs, corporate __________ is the key to making a company one of the best.
influences our behavior at work
learned over time
shared concept
impacts outcomes at multiple levels
Select the important characteristics of organizational culture.
__________ are the physical manifestation of an organization’s culture. They include acronyms, manner of dress, awards, myths, and stories told about the organization
Which is not one of the four functions of organizational culture?
Companies with an internal focus with a value on flexibility rather than stability and control are said to have a(n) _____ culture.
great company culture
What do many CEOs believe is the essence of the best companies?
One lesson from the competing values framework is that innovation and operational outcomes are linked to characteristics associated with which of the following cultures?
organizational culture.
The set of implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments is called
a failure to interpret and implement safety measures
What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high-risk industries?
manner of dress
special parking spaces
Observable artifacts that can be present in a firm's culture are:
creating and managing organizational culture.
According to Edgar Schein, the most important role of an organization's leader is
sense-making device
collective commitment
social system stability
organizational Identity
Select the four functions of organizational culture.
Companies with a(n) ________ culture have an internal focus and value flexibility rather than stability and control.
Systems and procedures
Organizational goals
Rites and rituals
Work flow and organizational structure
Select the mechanisms for changing organizational culture.
The competing values framework teaches us that companies with a _________ culture tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.
Divisions or departments
Products and technologies
Occupational groups
Which of the following often determine the development of subcultures?
Edgar Schein
Of the following, who is best known for their writing on organizational culture?
Formal statements in an organization are those about organizational:
Organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability and sense-making device are the four functions of ______ culture.
They reinforce characteristics of the desired culture.
Why are stories, legends and myths considered powerful ways to communicate desired values and behaviors in an organization?
Formal Statements
Role modeling, teaching, coaching
Design of physical workspace
Rewards, status symbols and promotions
Select the mechanisms for changing organizational culture.
pay attention and learn.
Research suggests that the emotions exhibited by leaders cause employees to
One of the conclusions of the competing values framework is that organizational culture is related to measures of organizational __________
a failure to interpret and implement safety measures
What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high-risk industries?
Employees avoid certain "unlucky" foods in the break room.
Salespersons ring a large gong when they make a deal.
Employees enjoy a beer on-site at the office
Which of the following best represent rites and rituals?
True or false: Formal statements of organizational philosophy can embed culture when used for recruiting.
stories about key people
legends about important events
myths about company history
Which forms of language help reinforce characteristics of a desired culture?