best at data analysis and exploring data; tool for creating Pivot tables, graphs, and performing statistical analysis
best for data visualization; does not allow original data entry
most secure method of storing data
Relational database
efficient means of storing data in one place, in one table instead of multiple places
data organized into sets of columns (fields) and rows (records)
these are the columns that contain descriptive information about the observations in the table (including primary and foreign keys)
these are the rows in a table; each row, or record, corresponds to a unique instance of what is being described in the table
Primary key
unique identifier in each table, Transaction_ID in Transaction Table; CustomerID in Customer Table
Foreign key
exist to create relationships or links between two tables
ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram
graphical representation of an information system, illustrating relationships among people, objects, places and events within that system
Descriptive analytics
What happened? What is happening?
Diagnostic analytics
Why did it happen? What are the root causes of past results?
Predictive analytics
Will it happen in the future? What is the probability something will happen? Is it foreseeable?
Prescriptive analytics
What should we do, based on what we expect will happen? How do we optimize our performance based on potential constraints?
Histogram or scatter plot
might be used to help evaluate journal entries that are excessively big or excessively small (or negative) with the testing of internal controls
Regression analysis
might be used to evaluate cost behavior by segregating total costs into fixed and variable cost components
Internal rate of return or net present value analysis
might be used to evaluate capital investments made by a potential investor
What-If Goal Seek Analysis
might be used to perform an analysis of how changing costs and other factors affect the breakeven level for a new product
using excel or other program as tools for analytics that accountants will perform
how to connect other data in the spreadsheet
how to automate processes that are repetitive
often a very functional tool for many types of summarizations and also serves as a way to help organize the data
used to access the data needed for analysis
programs written to perform analytics to do repetitive tasks
used to communicate data to decision makers using Tableau, Power BI or other tools for communication
Standard cost data
allows variance analysis, comparing budget to actual
Point of sale transaction data
all information from sale
Potential cost drivers
allows evaluation of best way to allocate overhead
Supply chain data
system which tracks products from vendor to final customer
Customer relationship management system data
tracks everything about the customer (order, payment, preferences, etc)
Human resource management system data
system which tracks all information regarding employees (pay, hire date, benefits, applicants, retirees, etc)
Gross domestic product
as a measure of economy-wide performance
Unemployment numbers
as a measure of labor availability
Consumer price index
as a measure of inflation
Housing market starts and price levels
generally regarded as a key measure of economic status
tend to be represented by words, such as categorizing a group of people by gender (male, female, nonbinary), or categorizing transaction types (sales versus returns)
meaningful numbers, such as transaction amount, net income, age, or the score on an exam
Nominal data
categorical data that cannot be ranked
Ordinal Data
categorical data that allows/implies ranking and sorting
Interval data
an equal interval between each observation, so that not only does summing the data make sense, so does multiplication and other more complex numerical calculations
Ratio data
numerical data with an equal and definitive ratio between each data point and absolute "zero" (meaning absence of) in ratio data is the point of origin
Data dictionary
a centralized repository of information about data containing a separate record for each field/variable in the table/database; it is data about the data
Descriptive analytics
analytics performed which characterizes, summarizes, and organizes features and properties of the data to facilitate understanding
show how frequently an attempt occurs
Totals, sums, averages, subtotals
summarize measures of performance
Minimums, maximums, medians, standard deviations
summarize measures showing extreme values to help explain what happened
Vertical analytics, horizontal analytics
percentage change from one period to the next
Ratio analytics
return on assets, return on sales (profit margin), asset turnover ratios, debt-to-equity ratios: Calculate important financial ratios for comparison
Diagnostic analytics
analytics performed to investigate the underlying cause that cannot be answered by simply looking at the descriptive data but can be answered by various types of diagnostic analyses.
Identifying anomalies/outliers
often a first step in diagnostic analytics is to look for an identify unusual, unexpected results or transactions
Performing drill down analytics
look for patterns in the underlying data set by summarizing data at different levels and uncovering additional details to understand why something happened.
Determine relations/patterns/linkages between variables
find the extent to which there are patterns in the data, or data moves together
Variance analytics
(typically performed in management accounting), used to identify differences from expectations
Benford's law
used to identify fraud or irregular transactions
Drill downs and roll
ups - used to get detail when needed
Predictive analytics
analytics performed to provide foresight by identifying patterns in historical data and assessing likelihood or probability
a predictive analytics technique used to separate or classify a sample (or population) into two or more groups or classes
a predictive analytics technique used to predict a specific dependent variable outcome value based on independent variable inputs
Forecasting using time series analytics
a predictive analytics technique used to predict future values based on past values of the same variable
Prescriptive analytics
analytics performed which identifies best possible options given constraints or changing conditions
Sensitivity analytics
evaluation of outcomes based on uncertainty regarding the inputs
Marginal (or incremental) analytics
technique used to determine the change in profit associated typically with the cost or benefit of the next (or the marginal) unit
Goal Seek Analytics
a form of what-if analytics that tells us what will need to be done (or assumed) in order to reach a desired outcome, output or result
What-If Scenario Analytics
analytics of potential future events by considering potential outcomes
a group of phenomenon having something in common