Deforestation due to activities such as logging, cattle ranching and soy production has led to the loss
of approximately one fifth of the Brazilian Amazon over the last 40 years
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Bhutan is experiencing the impacts of melting glaciers as during the last decade glacial lakes have grown
by 80% and 25 of them are at risks of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs)
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Burwood Brickworks has changed from an industrial site (brickwork) to a decommissioned uncleared site, to a developed mixed used retail residential site tp be completed in 2025. It contains
800 residential properties, an environmentally sustainable shopping centre and 2.5 hectares open space
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Germany can be described as a ‘hyper ageing’ population as 22% of its population is over
65 and its median age is 46 Germany is in stage 5 of the DTM
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Uganda is one of the worlds fastest growing and youthful populations. It has a median age of 15.7 and its population
is expected to double in the next 22 years. Uganda is in early Stage 3 of the DTM