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Forgiveness of sins; remission of guilt; also the statement by which a priest,speaking as the official minister of Christ's Church,declares forgiveness of sins to a repentant sinner in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. The formula of absolution reads: "I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Any thought, word, or act that expresses hatred or contempt for God, Christ, the Church, saints, or holy things.
An inclination to commit sin that arises from a disordered human desire or appetite. It is one of the temporal consequences of Original Sin that remains even after the Sacrament of Baptism.
A public and authoritative act, by Christ or in his name, to liberate a person from the devil.
false prophet
A person who claims to speak in the name of God without being inspired by him.
gifts of the Holy Spirit
An outpouring of God's gifts at Confirmation to help a person lead a Christian life. The traditional seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom,
understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Free and undeserved gifts that God gives people to respond to their vocation to become his adopted children.
To be justified is to receive remission for sins, sanctification, and inner renewal through the gracious action of God.
A powerful sign of God's Kingdom worked by Jesus.
A Greek term for the Second Coming of Christ, when the Lord will judge the
living and the dead.
Repairing a relationship by making amends for a personal wrong or injury.A secular meaning of reparation is to take financial responsibility for damaging someone's property.
A sign and source of grace instituted by Jesus Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is bestowed on us through the Holy Spirit.
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
The sacrament administered by a priest
through prayer and the anointing of the body with the oil of the sick to a baptized person
who is ill or in danger of dying. The sacrament's effects are a special grace of healing and
comfort to the person suffering.
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
The sacrament commemorating the Last Supper,
at which Jesus gave his Apostles his Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. The source and summit of Christian life, the Eucharist is one of the Sacraments of Initiation.It re-presents, or makes present, the Lord's sacrificial Death on the Cross. The word eucharist means "thanksgiving."
The seventy-one-member supreme legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people during Jesus' life on earth. Many of its members were Sadducees.
Signs and wonders attributed to God.
Act of saving from sin.
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Miracle recounted in all the Gospels
Foretells God's defeat of evil.
Considered a capital crime in Jewish law during Jesus' time.
Post-Resurrection Appearance
Jesus appearing to Saul, who became St. Paul.
Jesus ascending into heaven forty days after resurrection.
Descent into Hell
Jesus saving the just and righteous from limbo
Jesus' glorified body returning to heaven (body and soul)
Salvation History
Culminates in Jesus Christ and his Resurrection.
Abandonment of Jesus on the Cross
Not everyone abandoned Jesus at the end of his life.
Jesus in the Tomb
Pontius Pilate stationed a guard by His tomb
Palm Sunday
Event commemorating Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.
Last Supper
Meal where Jesus liberated humanity from sin and commemorated on Holy Thursday
Anointing of the Sick
Unites suffering with Christ and the people of God.
Brings communion with Jesus and represents his sacrifice.
Doubting Thomas
Saint Thomas originally doubted the Risen Christ but later became a bold witness.
Unites couple's lives with Jesus' Death and Resurrection.
Supreme Jewish legislative and judicial body during Jesus' time.
Making amends for something one did wrong that caused harm to another person or led to loss.
The Second Coming of Christ to Earth
Forgiveness of sins and guilt declaration by a priest.
what are miracles?
powerful signs of god's kingdom worked by jesus
Whether a __________ suspends the laws of _________ or whether ordinary events lead to _____________ outcomes,
a true miracle has ___________ as its source. An inexplicable _______________ originates in Christ who is God's greatest miracle and who
redeemed the world from the everlasting _______________ of sin.
miracle, nature, extraordinary, God, healing, consequences
True or False? The sacraments put one in communion with God by miraculously drawing from the Paschal Mystery and taking
away sin.
What three things did Jesus' miracles achieve?
they healed people, showed them that the Kingdom of God was present in him, and proved that he was the Messiah.
What types of miracles did Jesus perform?
physical healings, nature miracles, exorcisms, and raisings from the dead.
True or False? Jesus did not perform miracles to confirm that God the Father sent him; he performed them on demand to
satisfy people's curiosity.
False. Jesus performed miracles to confirm that God the Father sent him; he did not perform them on demand to satisfy
people's curiosity.
What did Jesus wish to accomplish through his healing miracles?
He wanted to strengthen people's faith in God and ease their pain and difficulties. Jesus had great sympathy for those who
The story of Jesus' ________________ of the multitude is meaningful in several ways. First, the
_______________ baskets of leftovers remind us of the twelve ______________ of Israel as well as the Twelve
_________________. Further, by his actions of blessing, _________________, and giving, this miracle
______________________ the Holy Eucharist, the food that sustains us until we reach the messianic _______________ in
God's Kingdom.
feeding, twelve, tribes, Apostles, breaking, foreshadows, banquet
True or False? People who witnessed the exorcisms performed by Jesus often asked the question: who is the man?
Explain why Jesus ordered those who witnessed the raising of Jarius's daughter not to tell anyone.
He did not want people to misunderstand his identity and his mission. He was the Messiah, but not a king intent on earthly
power. He was the Suffering Servant who would die to save the people.
True or False? Each miracle of bringing people back to life foreshadowed the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
False. Each miracle of bringing people back to life foreshadowed the resurrected life of Jesus.
True or False? Some people refused to believe in Jesus in spite of his miracles while others were offended because he would
not work miracles to satisfy their curiosity.
The _______________ tell us that Jesus differed from other people who claimed to do ________________
things. Further, his adversaries gave "______________" explanation for his miracles. Today, ________________ deny the
reality of supernatural events suggesting that __________________ can explain away apparent miracles or that Jesus was
nothing more than a _______________ healer who could diagnose people's _______________ disorders.
gospels, miraculous, logical, skeptics, science, clever, mental
What is the real basis for some of the disbelief in Jesus' are miracles?
denial of the divinity of Jesus or misunderstanding of Jesus' miracles in the context of
the New Testament.
According to historical criticism, what are three ways that Jesus' miracles distinctive?
There is no record that anyone else cured such a variety of problems—blindness, paralysis, a severed ear, leprosy, and
death. ● Jesus did not engage in any bizarre rituals to bring about the cures, as did so many of his contemporaries. He healed
on his own authority, using his own power, and often stressing the need for the afflicted to have faith. ● Jesus did not perform
miracles for pay.
True or False? The real miracle of God's love is that God forgave Adam and Eve and forgives us our sins as well.
False. The real miracle of God's love is that God became human in Jesus Christ.
True or False? The greatest freedom that Jesus gives us is the freedom of religion and worship.
False. The greatest freedom that Jesus gives us is freedom from the eternal effects of sin
The _____________________ uses three different but related words to describe miracles: dynamis which means "__________________", ergon which means "___________", and semeion which means "__________". These three nouns tell us that Jesus' miracles reveal God's _____________ and that Jesus' works were signs of God's _____________________.
New Testament, act of power, work, sign, power, Kingdom
List five truths that Jesus' miracles demonstrate.
● Jesus is God; ● God's power has broken into human history; ● Jesus mastered Satan and the forces of darkness; ● God's Kingdom is here, and Satan's kingdom is ending; ● Jesus had and has power to forgive sins
True or False? The chief priests interpreted Jewish Law and transcribed the Torah.
False. The Scribes interpreted Jewish Law and transcribed the Torah.
Many were members of the Sanhedrin
Developed an elaborate system of oral interpretation of the Law which was almost as sacred as the Law itself
Preserved Judaism after the destruction of the Temple in AD 70
Collaborated with the Romans
Were aristocrats who cared for Temple practice and worship in Jerusalem
Though they have a rather poor reputation in the New Testament, many were good and pious Jews
Jesus challenged the way ________________ were treated in first-century ________________ society. While men considered them to be _______________, Jesus treated them in a ____________________ way and they played an important role in his _______________. He told men to treat women with ______________ and used positive female characters to ________________ his stories and sayings.
women, jewish, property, revolutionary, ministry, respect, illustrate
True or False? In God's Kingdom there are no second-class citizens.
What does the word "passion" mean as used in the Passion narratives?
As used in the Passion narratives the word passion has the meaning "to suffer," from the Greek paschō
Explain the meaning of the use of palm branches on Palm Sunday.
The palm branches you receive on Palm (or Passion) Sunday, the Sunday that opens Holy Week, commemorate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem in a manner befitting the type of Messiah many Jews had been expecting: a King of Glory. The people placed their capes and palm branches on the ground before him (Mt 21:8), a sign of honor somewhat like a red carpet, and asked Jesus to save them.
At the ____________________ Jesus ate the Passover meal before he ________________ humanity from sin and death just as the ____________________ celebrated the meal prior to their liberation from ________________. The central part of the Last Supper was the ________________ of the Holy Eucharist which would be the __________________ of Jesus' sacrifice.
Last Supper, liberated, Israelites, slavery, institution, memorial
Following the _______________________ Jesus and several Apostles went to the garden of ____________________ to pray before his arrest, _____________, and Death. However, his ________________ could not stay awake as Jesus recoiled at the _____________ of Death. Jesus was arrested after he was ___________________ by Judas and did not use violence to resist _______________.
passover meal, gethsemane, torture, apostles, horror, betrayed, arrest
Jesus was brought to the ___________________ where he was interrogated by the high priest ________________________ and other priests. False __________________ testified against him. When Jesus acknowledged that he was the __________, the Jewish authorities accused him of _____________________, a sin and crime punishable by death under ______________ Law. They believed he was a false _____________________.
sanhedrin, joseph caiaphas, witness, christ, blasphemy, jewish, prophet
True or False? According to Roman law blasphemy was punishable by death while sedition was not a capital offense.
False. According to Roman law sedition was punishable by death while blasphemy was not a capital offense.
True or False? While the Gospels indicate that Pilate recognized that Jesus was innocent, he caved in to the pressure of the crowd and pronounced Jesus guilty.
What is the cause of death by crucifixion?
Ultimately, crucifixion resulted in a horrible death, usually by dehydration, loss of blood, shock, or respiratory arrest due to suffocation.
Why did Jesus refuse the wine mixed with myrrh?
He refused to take the wine mixed with myrrh offered for pain relief, so he experienced the full pain of the crucifixion
True or False? Everyone abandoned Jesus at the end of his life.
false. Not everyone abandoned Jesus at the end.
What is ironic about the Roman centurion's profession of faith in Jesus?
a Gentile understood and recognized Jesus, while many of his fellow Jews and closest followers did not
True or False? Nicodemus asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus.
False. Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus.
True or False? According to the Gospel of John, Caiaphas stationed a guard by the tomb to prevent the disciples from stealing Jesus' body.
False. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate stationed a guard by the tomb to prevent the disciples from stealing Jesus' body.
When did the Apostles and other disciples believe in the Resurrection?
The first step toward belief in the Resurrection occurred when the disciples discovered that Jesus' tomb was empty. But the Apostles and other disciples came to believe in the Resurrection when they actually saw Jesus.
Jesus appeared to his disciples several times, realities known as "_______________________ appearances." The Apostles, such as _______________, had doubts but face-to-face meetings with the Risen Lord ____________________ the frightened and ____________________ disciples into bold __________________, and led many to suffer ___________________ for their firm conviction that Jesus rose from the dead.
post- Resurrection, Thomas, transformed, disillusioned, witness, martyrdom
What did Jesus promise his disciples before he was lifted up at his Ascension? What did the two messengers tell the Apostles?
Right before he was lifted up and taken from their sight, Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit. Two messengers in white garments were standing there with the Apostles and told them that Jesus would return one day the same way he went into Heaven
True or False? All of Salvation History led up to the coming of Jesus Christ, whose mission is completed in the Resurrection.
When Christians use the word _______________ they are usually referring to the _______________ celebration of the Resurrection. The word Paschal comes from the Jewish word for ___________________ which points to a journey from _______________ to freedom. Likewise, Easter celebrates a _________________ from slavery to freedom and new life.
paschal, easter, passover, slavery, passage
Explain two ways to understand the meaning of the word mystery.
one meaning of mystery is "God's saving plan." The events leading up to Easter were clearly part of God's plan to save his people. A second meaning of mystery is "something that is hidden." Even when the Apostles had a greater sense of God's plan after the Resurrection, they could never fully understand its meaning.
True or False? It is correct to understand that sinners are responsible for Jesus' crucifixion, not the Jews.
jesus' Death was not a ______________ act. God allowed it to happen because it was part of his _________ of Salvation. Jesus' Death was consistent with _____________________, even though not all Jews accepted him as the Messiah and the ____________________. Jesus ______________ died out of love for us; his Father did not ______________ him to die.
random, plan, jewish belief, son of god, freely, force
What are four ways we can know that Jesus died freely for love each of us.
(1.) Out of an immense love for you, Jesus, like many prophets before him, headed to Jerusalem knowing he would die.
(2.) Throughout his entire life, Jesus obediently embraced his Father's will, courageously accepting his mission and the plan of redeeming love.
(3.) John the Baptist pointed out that Jesus was the Lamb of God (Jn 1:29), thus showing not only that Jesus was the Suffering Servant, but also that he willingly took on the role of the Paschal Lamb, the symbol of Israel's redemption at the first Passover.
(4.) Jesus loves sinful humans as much as his Father and wanted to save you from the consequences of sin and provide you with the opportunity to live in communion with the Holy Trinity now and forever.
Love is what makes Jesus' act of ________________ so powerful and the source of _______________ Salvation. He asked his __________________ to memorialize his _________________ offering of himself to the Father in the ________________, and made the Apostles priests of the New _____________________.
reparation, eternal, apostles, voluntary, eucharist, covenant
Jesus lived in _________________ with sinners and experienced much human ___________________ and even Death. Humans could not have saved _____________________ from death. Jesus' lack of sin made it possible for him to _________________ humanity from death, the punishment for sin. Though he ___________ like human beings, this does not mean Jesus lost his human ____________ or became two __________________.
solidarity, suffering, themselves, ransom, died, body, persons
True or False? After his Death, Jesus went to share the Good News with those who were in the realm of the dead: all the souls of everyone who had died, good and bad.
What are four reasons that the Resurrection is important for us?
(1.) The Resurrection gives you confidence in all of Christ's works and teaching, because it proves that he is divine.
(2.) The Resurrection tells you that promises from the Old Testament and Jesus' own words are authentic.
(3.) Jesus' Resurrection makes possible and gives you hope for your own future resurrection.
(4.) The Resurrection further reveals the unending loving communion of God as Trinity: the Father glorifies the Son, the Son makes a sacrifice that merits this glory, and the Holy Spirit contributes life and resurrection.
True or False? After his Resurrection, Jesus returned to ordinary life like Lazarus did after Jesus raised him.
False. After his Resurrection, Jesus did not return to ordinary life like Lazarus did after Jesus raised him.
What is the Ascension of Jesus?
The Ascension of Jesus refers to the time when Jesus stopped appearing to his disciples in visible, human form. Jesus in his glorified resurrected body went up to Heaven to sit at the Father's right hand in even greater glory. The Ascension marks the end of Jesus' time on earth.
What did the angels tell the Apostles at Jesus' Ascension?
At Jesus' Ascension, the angels told the Apostles that the Lord would come again
Explain what will happen at the Parousia.
On that day, the world you know will end. All of God's creatures everywhere will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. The glorious Lord Jesus will then fully bring about the Father's Kingdom of justice, love, and peace.
What are the consequences of Original Sin?
a weakened human nature that is subject to ignorance, suffering, and death, and an inclination to sin known as concupiscence
Explain what it means to say that our lives are bound up in the ongoing pattern of the Paschal Mystery.
Your life is bound up in the ongoing pattern of the Paschal Mystery, including "little deaths"—experiences like pain and suffering—as well as "little resurrections" of joy and happiness that offer glimpses of God's eternal Kingdom.
Baptism confers __________________, conforms us to the righteousness of _________, and cleans us of Original Sin and all _______. Further, it continually gives _________________ throughout one's life and strengthens us to _____________ sin and enables us to achieve eternal _________________.
justification, god, sin, graces, resist, salvation
The Holy Eucharist is a _________________ meal that confers the graces Christ ________ on the Cross. It makes _______________ the sacrifice on the Cross and offers Christ in an _______________ manner. The Eucharist commemorates the ________________________. At consecration the bread becomes the ____________ of Christ and the wine becomes the _______________ of Christ.
sacrificial, won, present, unbloody, paschal mystery, body, blood
True or False? In the Sacrament of Penance, the priest can give absolution for venial sins, but not mortal sins.
False. In the Sacrament of Penance, the priest can give absolution for venial sins and mortal sins.