Fredrick Jackson Turner
Historian during the 1890s who wrote the frontier thesis, which argued that the continuous existence of the American frontier had shaped the character of the nation, and the end of this frontier marked the end the first chapter in American history.
A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
Platt Amendment
Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble
Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Moral Diplomacy
Foreign policy proposed by President Wilson to condemn imperialism, spread democracy, and promote peace
Rough Rider
Volunteer regiment of US Cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish American War
Spanish-American War
In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence
Teddy Roosevelt
26th President, from 1901-1909, passed two acts that purified meat, took over in 1901 when McKinley was shot, Went after trusts, formed the "Bull Moose Party", wanted to build the Panama canal, and make our Navy ( military stronger )
William McKinley
25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Is assassinated by an anarchist
Treaty of Paris 1898
The treaty that concluded the Spanish American War, Commissioners from the U.S. were sent to Paris on October 1, 1898 to produce a treaty that would bring an end to the war with Spain. From the treaty, America got Guam, Puerto Rico and they paid 20 million dollars for the Philipines. Cuba was freed from Spain.
USS Maine
Ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War
White Man's Burden
idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized
Yellow Journalism
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
Social Darwinism
The belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle.
add a territory to an existing state or country
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Navy officer whose ideas on naval warfare and the importance of sea-power changed how America viewed its navy; wrote "The influence of Sea Power upon History"
A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
A policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war
An alliance of nations joining together to fight a common enemy
Central Powers
Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
Triple Entente
An alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.
Trench Warfare
A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
American boat that was sunk by the German U-boats; made America consider entering WWI
Zimmerman Telegram
A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S.
Selective Service Act
Law passed by Congress in 1917 that required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the military draft
an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.
War Industries Board
Agency established during WWI to increase efficiency & discourage waste in war-related industries.
Espionage and Sedition Acts
two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against U.S. participation in WWI
Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
14 Points
President Woodrow Wilson's plan for organizing post World War I Europe and for avoiding future wars.
Leage of Nations
The organization that was set up at the end of WWI that was created to be an international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty particularly known for its harsh reparations towards the Germans after World War I.
As part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay fines to the Allies to repay the costs of the war. Opposed by the U.S., it quickly lead to a severe depression in Germany.
War Guilt Clause
in treaty of Versailles; declared germany and austria responsible for WWI; ordered Germany to pay reparation to Allied powers
Woodrow Wilson
28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize
Triple Alliance
An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI.