I could have separated this but I chose not to cuz I'm lazy
Do unicellular organisms need all their genes active at once?
Unicellular genes do not
What is differential gene expression?
expression of different genes by cells with the same genome
What is a chromatin
complex of DNA and proteins
What is heterochromatin
a highly condensed chromatin
What is added for histone acetylation
Acetyl Groups
What is added for DNA methylation
Methyl Groups
Whatis histone acetyleation
opens chromatin structure and promotes transcription
Are methylated genes expressed
Methylated genes are not expressed
What is an operator
segment of DNA that activates/deactivates transcription of genes
What is an operon
DNA required for production of a product
What is a repressor
protein that prevents gene regulation
What isa repressible operon
a gene that is usually on but can be turned off
Is a repressible operon bonded to the DNA
Not typically bonded
What is an inducible operon
gene that is usually off but can be turned on
Is an inducible operon bonded to the DNA
Typically bonded to DNA
What kind of proteins are most repressors
allosteric proteins
Repressible operons are generally involved with what pathways
anabolic pathways
Inducible operons are generally involved with what pathways
catabolic pathways
What are products of regulatory genes
What are activators
proteins that bind to DNA to promote transcription
What are control elements
noncoding DNA segments that allow transcription factors to bind
What are proximal control elements
located near the gene
What are distal control elements
located far from the gene
What are transcription factors
proteins that promote or block the binding of RNA polymerase to DNA
What is Ubiquitin
small protein that attaaches to other proteins tomark them for degredation
What are examples of gene regulation after transcription
RNA processing, translation, mRNA degradation, and protein processing and degradation
What is gene regulation necessary for
development and prevention of tumors
What are benign tumors
tumors that grow slow and do not spread
What are malignant tumors
tumors that grow quickly and may spread
What is morphogenesis
development of the form and structures of an organism
What are inductive signals
signals from the environment and other embryonic cell
What is cell determination
the point in which an embryonic cell is commited to becoming a specifi cell type (lol its like the bee movie)
What is apoptosis
programmed cell death
What is pattern formation
spatial development of tissues and organs of an organism
What are the different axid developments
anterior-posterial, dorsal-ventral, right-left
What are oncogenes
cancer causing genes
What are proto oncogenes
genes that code for proteins that stimulate cell division
What are tumor suppresor genes
code for proteins that inhibit cell division
What is necessary for cancer development
protooncogenes need to become oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have to be ineffective
What are examples of contributing factors to cancer development
inherited mutation and exposure to DNA damaging agents
Can viruses interfere with the cell cyle
What do viruses introduce into the body
Foreign DNA
What do genomes vary in
size,genes, density of genes
What is genomics
the study of genomes
What is a genome
the complete nucleotide sequence of an organism
Mammals have what kind of gene density
the lowest kind
What is a transposable element
DNA sequences that may relocate
What is a GMO
genetically modified organismW
What is genetic engineering
alteration of a genotype
What is artificial selection
when humans select which individuals are allowed to reproduce
What are the primary uses of biotechnology
medicine and agriculture
What are the industrial uses of biotechnology
fermentation and production of biofuels
What is genetic testing
testing for specific genetic conditions
What is gene therapy
healthy gene is introduced to an unhealthy one
What are transgenic animals
proteins that are only proessed in eukaryotes
What are Transgenic plants
more productive and disease resistant crops
What is molecular cloning
reproduction of regions/fragments of DNA
What is reproductive cloning
prodution of 1 or more organisms that are genetically identical to the parent
What is nuclear transplantation
removes the nucleus of an egg and inserts the nucleus of a differentiated cell
What are stem cells
unspecialized cells that can differentiate into different tissue typesWh
What are embryonic stem cells
can be anything it wants
What are adult stem cells
only become a few cell types (not special)
What are induced pluripotent stem cells
cells that have been undifferentiated into pluripotent cells
What is therapeutic cloning
using one’s genetic material to make new stem cells that are used in regenerative medicine.