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Liberal internationalism
The policy by Wilson referring to how political and economic progress go hand-in-hand for foreign and international growth
Moral imperialism
The policy by Wilson referring to military forces being the best way to grow the United States’ democratic influence globally
Dollar Diplomacy
The policy by Taft referring to bank intervention, loans, and the economy being the best way to grow the United States’ democratic influence globally
Panama Canal Zone
The ten-mile strip controlled by the United States
To refuse to accept or be associated with
Roosevelt Corollary
The principle stating that the United States could intervene in Latin American lands if needed, though as a last resort
Easter Rebellion
An uprising in Ireland in which Irish citizens demanded independence from the British - Irish-Americans were bitter about the British because of this
A British liner with American citizens aboard that was sunken by Germany
Zimmermann Telegram
A message intercepted by the British regarding Germany encouraging Mexico to attack the United States
The main battle in World War I for the United States
To renounce a throne or fail a duty
Selective Service Act
A war draft in May 1917 by Wilson that involved twenty-four million men submitting applications to the government for the military - led to a growth of the army from twelve thousand to five million
War Industries Board
A board by Bernard Baruch to manage the funding, production, and distribution of American war material
The love and loyalty towards one’s own country
Four-Minute Men
The people who gave short and scripted speeches to rally public support for American involvement in World War I
Fourteen Points
A statement of American principles of peace by Wilson after World War I, which mentioned self-determination, freedom overseas, free trade, open diplomacy, and adjusted colony claims
Alice Paul
The leader of the National Woman’s Party who actively fought for woman suffrage, especially in regards to the Nineteenth Amendment
The movement banning the manufacturing and sales of alcohol
Eighteenth Amendment
The law stating an official ban on the distribution of alcohol
Nineteenth Amendment
The law stating a ban of using sex as a qualification for voting, ultimately giving women the right to vote
Espionage Act
The act in 1917 prohibiting the spying and intervention of war drafts, and the making of “false statements” that hurt the war effort
Sedition Act
The act in 1918 that made it a crime to speak or write against the government, which ultimately countered the First Amendment
American Protective League
An organization of private citizens that identified and suppressed threats to the United States government during the World War I period
“Race problem”
The tension arising from the ethnic diversity in the United States
The term meaning the assimilation of people in the United States
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Also known as the NAACP, the civil rights organization founded in 1910 that actively tried to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and other rights for colored communities
The study of selective reproduction to bring about “racial purity” to society using “right” character and mental capability
W.E.B. Du Bois
An active scholar and activist who spoke for Black rights in relation to American democracy
Great Migration
The large-scale movement of Blacks moving from the rural South to urban North in the time period 1910-1970, which was driven by a desire to escape racial violence and find economic opportunity
Tulsa riot
A racial riot in 1921 in which Black veterans tried to prevent a lynching of a Black teenager, though it resulted in violence, leading to three hundred Black deaths and ten thousand burnt homes
Silent Protest Parade
A silent march of ten thousand Blacks on Fifth Avenue in New York in order to fight for racial equality and democracy
Marcus Garvey
An immigrant from Jamaica who was a prominent leader of the Black rights movement during World War I
A title for a German emperor during World War I
Red Scare of 1919-1920
The citizen-wide fear of communism
Treaty of Versailles
The peace treaty after World War I between the Three Great Powers (France, Britain, United States) over how Germany would repay war debts and crimes
League of Nations
The organization of international nations established in the Treaty of Versailles that would mediate global disputes and resolve wars
The political principle where a nation or group has the right to self-govern and do politics
The concept of getting involved in external conflicts
The idea that a country stays out of other global affairs
The mindset of looking at the better side of things, such as wanting peace in international disputes
A loan citizens give to the government to fund something (like war) in exchange for later interest
A biased form of media used to convey a certain idea to make someone for or against something
Trench warfare
The slow-moving, often dangerous style of warfare in trenches to not necessarily gain land or coverage but win a battle of attrition