Medical Technologist
Chemical Engineer
Institutional Based
Screening Laboratory
Confirmatory Laboratory
Students of Secondary or Tertiary schools
Officers and employee of public and private and private offices whether domestic or oversees.
At least 20 sqm in floor area
The work area must be at least 10 sqm with exhaust fan, sink, and storage cabinet, and a ref.
At least 60sqm in floor area
The clinical work area must have at least 30sqm with exhaust fan, sink, stock room and instrumentation room
shall have full time Medical Technologist, Chemist, Pharmacist and Chemical Engineer who has completed an extensive appropriate training in chromatography, spectroscopy.
The analyst must pass the proficiency test.
License and accredit drug testing centers
Appoint technical and other personnel for effective implementation of this law
Accredit physicians who shall conduct the drug dependency exam and after care
Control of regulations, licensing and accreditation division
Establish, operate and maintain drug testing canters in government hospitals
At least basic technologically advanced equipment and materials
Appoint qualified and duly trained technical and other personnel
The Laboratory shall maintain a record of all of its personnel.
The records must include the resume, training and experience, certification, PRC license, incident report (if any) and other information, which will established the competence of an employee.
Information identifying the specimen
Date and time of the specimen
Name of the testing laboratory
Name of the signatures of all individuals who had custody of the samples during the collection process.
positive and negative
analyte and concentration
1 copy for the client
1 copy to be forewarded to DOH which INCLUDES the membrane of the drug test kit