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corneal immune privilege meaning
introducing an antigen int he eye does not induce an inflammatory immune response
what is involved in the complex process of wound healing
interactions btw ep, stroma, nerves, inflammatory cells, and tears —→ cytokines
whats involved in cellular cross talking in wound healing
cytokines master regulator of corneal wound healing
growth factor s
neuropeptides, neurotrophins
first phase of ep wound healing
describe larency phase
no cell movement (migration) or mitosis (24 hrs)
damaged ep cells release cytokines
initiate wound healing
attract inflmmatory cells
innate inflammatory response necessary for ep wound healing
cause apoptosis to keratocytes
transformation stage of latency phase
basal cells at edge of wound
increase metabolic activity
form lamellipodia and filopodia
secrete fibronectin
creates a provisional membrane to promote cell migration
migration phase
sheets of basal cells at the edge of the wound are flattened with extended filopodia, and are pulled across the defect
continues until theres a monolyaer to cover the wound
proliferation phase
begins after ep wound is resurfaced w monolayer
cells increase in mitotic activity
multilayer of cells develop from original monolayer
cell proliferation and differentiation
attachment phase of ep wound healing
reestablishment of basal cells connection to stroma
regenerate BM
formation of adhesion complexes
during this time there is susceptibility to recurrent corneal erosions
bowmans layer repair invovles the formation of _____________________
collagen scar
stromal woun dhealing phases
destructive phase - removal of abnormal tissue
synthetic phase - synthesis of new collagen
remodeling phase - slow remodeling of initial scar
stromal wound healing : stroma - ep interaction
cross talk
ep stromal interactions involving cytokines and growth factors
injured ep cells (or from the tears ) release cytokines (IL - 1 alpha) which affect keratocytes
effects last until ep basal lamina is restored
quiescent keratocytes become activated fibroblasts, undergo proliferation, and migration, and repopulate the wound site
keratocyte migration is said to happen when the ep has resurfaced the defect
stroma woudn healing - destructive phase
activated keratocytes (fibroblasts) produce chemokines that attracts inflammatory immune cells
inflammatory response
(macrophages will digest necrotic tissue)
when the ep and stroma are damaged there is an ____________________
inflammatory response
stroma wound healing - synthetic phase
activated keratocytes transform into myofibroblasts
highly mobile cells (synthesize intracellular a smooth muscle actin)
synthesize and deposit collagen adn fibronectin
lay down a provisional ECM to fill defect
initial scar formed
stromal wound healing - remodeling phase
initial scar is slowly remodeled over months up to 3-4 years
last phase
overall goal is to make the scar more transparent
desbowmans, stroma, descemets cemets membrane wound healing gives an
opacity - scar
when do we get a scar
bowmans, stroma, descemets
where is UV light absorbed and why
cornea —> acts as a UV filter
protects the lens and retina
acute exposure to _________________ and __________________ induces apoptosis of corneal ep w massive shedding of cells. this crease __________
UV - C
UV - B
barrier defect
UV-B, violet (400 nm), and blue (475 nm) light trigger ____________ by generating __________ which damage cells. normally this is prevented by ————-
oxidative stress
antioxidant defense mechs
non enzymatic
ascorbic acid
corneal crystallins (ALDH3A1)
general aging changes to cornea
decrease in corneal thickness
fewer keratocytes
less collagen
inc in thickness of Descemets mem
decrease in endothelial cell count
characteristis of corneal degenerations
often asymmetric
aging changs
often begin in peripheral cornea
progression is variable