What does the shift from agriculture to industrialization involve?
Shift from agriculture to manufacturing
Higher productivity leads to higher wages
Industrialization leads countries to become middle-class and prosperous.
What does the shift from industrialization to deindustrialization involve?
In more advanced economies, the shift from industrialization to deindustrialization involves the shift from manufacturing to tech, retail, and finance.
Employment shifts from factories to stores and offices
When/why did deindustrialization begin in the West?
Began in the 1980s under the Reagan and Thatcher administrations
Thatcher liberalized the financial sector in the 1980s
Opened up their markets to foreign competition
How/why have governments been trying to reverse deindustrialization in recent years?
Governments realized a huge reliance on the financial services sector.
When banks collapse, the impact on the economy is far too great (2008 Global Financial Crisis
Attempt to rebalance the economy and move back to the manufacturing sector.
How does division of labor lead to specialization & wealth?
Division of labor allows people to specialize in jobs they are good at and produce more output.
Productivity moves from focusing on multiple tasks to one, making it easier to produce more goods
It also leads to a surplus of products which means firms can sell what they don’t need
How does the invisible hand explain how markets operate?
Demonstrates the self-regulation of markets and the interactions between firms and households.
The market determines the price of a good and how much of it consumers are willing to buy.
The invisible hand means that the market can self-regulate itself
Why did Smith assign no role for services in his time? Would he think differently today?
At the time of Smith, the main industry sectors were manufacturing and agriculture.
The services sectors were essentially non-existent (the arts) and thus had no value.
Mass consumption was not possible in the 18th century
Would think differently today because services
What limited role did Smith assign for government intervention?
Overall, Smith was critical of government regulation and the protection of monopolies. Allowed government to provide basic rules so the market could work.
Banking (supervision)
Transport (promote competition and break up monopolies)
Education (provision over universal education.
Why is rebalancing the economy a bad idea?
Rebalancing the economy means moving the economy from the service sector back to manufacturing.
Can’t separate domestic sectors from foreign trade
Trade specialization is affected by globalization (outsourcing)
Global supply chains are integrated
Smith would have opposed the rebalancing of the economy if it meant distorting market efficiency.
Would affect the specialization of products and the overall production of products
Also it would mean government interference, which Smith was highly critical of.
Would Smith have approved of outsourcing?
Global trade in labor allows smaller quantity of labor (specialists) to produce a greater quantity of output.
Some are adversely affected by outsourcing, but society is better off
Outsourcing allows for the optimal allocation of resources across countries.
Which factor contributed to deindustrialization in the West?
Technological advancements and automation
Deindustrialization is the shift from manufacturing to services. Employment shifts from factories to offices/stores. Technological advancements and automation has driven this process.
What is the division of labor?
The allocation of work tasks among individuals to increase efficiency and productivity
The division of labor allowed for specialization. Productivity gains come from focusing on 1 task – not several.
According to Adam Smith, what is the role of self-interest in the economy?
Self-interest leads to competition, which promotes innovation and efficiency
Adam Smith believed that self-interest, when channeled through the market mechanism, would lead to optimal outcomes for society as a whole.
What is the main principle behind laissez-faire economics?
The market should be left alone to operate freely, without government intervention
Laissez-faire means to leave to the market, i.e. minimal government intervention.
What is mercantilism?
An economic theory that emphasizes the accumulation of gold and silver as a measure of a country’s wealth.
Mercantilism is the idea of trying to run a trade surplus (exports > imports), which required government policies to promote exports at the expense of imports, e.g. via tariffs. Nations which ran huge trade surpluses accumulated (hoarded) large amounts of gold & silver.