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Capital city of the Aztecs, located on an island in Lake Texcoco, known for its complex architecture and vibrant culture.
Original term for Aztecs
Mesoamerican civilization after the Mayans, included a sacrificial cult. Destroyed by nomadic invaders
Rose to power after the Toltecs, won the fight for dominance (unlikely winner), began as an organization of small tribes
Flower wars
Wars waged specifically to capture war captives that would be used as sacrifices for Aztec deities
Aztec deities
Over 128 major deities for many traditional things such as rain, corn, water, fire, etc. with each having a male and female form
Divided into 3 major categories: creator deities, agriculture and fertility deities, and war deities
Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli
Leading Aztec deities of the agriculture (rain) and war (tribal) categories
impacts of silver
became the global currency, many countries relied on it and used it to collect taxes - helped Europe rise to power somewhat
colombian exchange
exchange of food, goods, diseases, and slaves - led to changes in environmental conditions to due soil erosion and mass deforestation
The original 7 clans who eventually became social classes and divisions - inequality between the clans, but even the most noble were soon overshadowed by military or Aztec nobility
Aztec nobility
several related Quechua-speaking clans
split inheritence
politcal power and titles went to the assigned heir, but all wealth, land, and possessions went to the male descendants who used them to support the cult of the dead ancestors
cult of the ancestors
dead ancestors were mummified and used to communicate with the gods or to help give advice on certain matters
location of the Inca imperial court, as well as the temple of the sun gods they worshipped
local leaders of inca conquered territories
way stations along inca built roads
Conquered Inca subjects
Expected to pay tribute, which was determined on whether the nation surrendered or resisted during the conquest, but also conscripted to armies and rewarded with new goods - not expected to pay tribute but rather contribute labor
gender roles in inca/aztec societies
women expected to deal with the children and weave cloth - men expected to fight and provide
property passed down through both gender lines
a class of people in Inca society who were removed from their ayllus to serve as artisans, slaves, or servants
inca developments
land/water management, road systems, architecture, public works, metalworking, quipu, pottery and cloth