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Social Darwinism
Social theory that emerged in the late 19th century, asserting that human societies and cultures evolve through the same natural selection process as biological species. This ideology was often used to justify imperialism and the belief in racial superiority, leading to the idea that stronger nations had the right to dominate weaker ones.
Ghost Dance
A spiritual movement among Native Americans in the late 19th century that aimed to restore their traditional ways of life and bring about a renewal of their cultures. It emerged as a response to the devastating impacts of colonization and imperialism, particularly the loss of land, culture, and population due to violence and disease. The movement was marked by the belief that performing the Ghost Dance would lead to the resurrection of ancestors and the return of the buffalo, thus revitalizing Native American communities.
Natural compound derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, known for its effectiveness in treating malaria. During the age of Imperialism, particularly during the 19th century, it became essential for European powers as they expanded their empires into tropical regions plagued by malaria, enabling colonization and exploitation of these areas without the high mortality rates that previously hindered such endeavors.
White Man’s Burden
The idea that it was the moral obligation of white Europeans and Americans to civilize and uplift non-white populations, particularly in colonized regions. This nation was often used as a justification for imperialism, promoting the belief that colonial powers had a duty to bring Western culture, religion, and governance to those they considered “inferior” or “uncivilized”.
Civilizing Mission
The belief that European powers had a moral obligation to spread their culture, religion, and way of life to Non-European societies, which were often seen as “primitive” or “backward”. This idea was used to justify imperialism and colonial expansion, promoting the nation that imperial powers were bringing progress and enlightenment to the world.
King Leopold II
The King of Belgium best known for his personal control of the Congo Free State, where he exploited its resources and people under the guise of humanitarianism. His reign in the Congo is a notorious example of Imperialism, highlighting both the ambition of European powers and the brutal realities faced by colonized nations.
Otto Von Bismarck
A German statesman who served as the first chancellor of the German Empire from 1871 to 1890. He is best known for his role in unifying Germany through as series of strategic wars and diplomatic maneuvers, which were driven by nationalist sentiments and aimed at consolidating power under Prussian leadership.
Berlin Conference
Meeting of European powers aimed at regulating European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period. It resulted in the division of Africa among several European nations without considering the indigenous populations or their cultures, fueling nationalism and conflicts that would later contribute to revolutionary movements and tensions leading up to the Cold War.
Spheres of Influence
Areas or regions where a foreign power has significant influence over political, economic, or cultural affairs, of a particular nation without direct territorial control. This concept became particularly prominent during the age of Imperialism when powerful nations sought to expand their reach and control over weaker territories through economic exploitation and strategic alliances rather than outright colonization.
Suez Canal
A man-made waterway in Egypt that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, completed in 1869. This crucial passage significantly shortened the Maritime route between Europe and South Asia, making it a vital artery for international trade and enhancing imperial expansion during the age of Imperialism. Its strategic importance has continued into the 20th century, influencing political dynamics and independence movements in newly formed states.
Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement
A significant resistance movement that occurred among the Xhosa people in South Africa during the 1850s. This movement involved the mass slaughter of cattle and the destruction of crops, driven by the belief that this act would cleanse the land and bring about a new era free from colonial oppression. It is an important example of how indigenous populations responded to imperial pressures and sought to reclaim their autonomy.
Mahdist Wars
A series of conflicts in the late 19th century, primarily between Sudanese forces led by Muhammad Ahmad, who proclaimed himself the Mandi, and British-Egyptian forces. These wars represented a significant indigenous response against foreign control and the desire for a return to a purer Islamic society.
Sepoy Mutiny
A major uprising against British rule in India, initiated by Indian soldiers (sepoys) in the service of the British East India Company. this revolt represented a significant moment of resistance to colonial rule and highlighted the growing tensions between Indian society and European imperial powers, ultimately leading to a re-evaluation of British governance in India.
Bird droppings used as fertilizer; a major trade item of Peru in the late nineteenth century.
Export Economies
Economic systems that rely heavily on exporting goods and services to generate income and drive growth. This approach often emphasizes the production of cash crops, raw materials, or manufactured products tailored for international markets. The rise of these economic systems during the period from 1750 to 1900 was closely linked to industrialization, globalization, and shifts in trade patterns, impacting various regions around the world.
Opium Wars
A series of conflicts between China and Western powers, primarily Britain, in the mid-19th century, over trade imbalances and the illegal opium trade.
Treaty of Nanking
An agreement signed in 1842 that ended the First Opium War between the United Kingdom and China. This treaty marked a significant movement in the era of economic imperialism, as it opened up Chinese ports to British trade, ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain, and established extraterritorial rights for British citizens, reflecting the broader patterns of Western dominance and exploitation during this period.
Taiping Rebellion
A massive civil war in China from 1850 to 1864 led by Hong Xiuquan, who claimed to be the brother of Jesus Christ. This rebellion aimed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish a new kingdom based on a unique interpretation of Christianity and radical social reforms. It reflects significant resistance to both internal governance issues and external pressures from European powers during a time of upheaval.
Irish Potato Famine
A catastrophic period in Ireland from 1845 to 1852, marked by a devastating potato blight that led to mass starvation, disease, and emigration. This disaster significantly impacted Ireland’s population and economy, causing over a million deaths and prompting the emigration of approximately two million people to countries like the United States, which illustrates the profound effects of migration during this period.
Indentured Servitude
A labor system where individuals signed a contract to work for a specific number of years in exchange for passage to a new land, typically the Americas, along with food, shelter, and eventual freedom. This practice emerged as a solution to labor shortages in the colonies during the establishment of maritime empires and was essential in shaping colonial economies and societies.
Ethnic Enclaves
Geographic areas where a specific ethnic group is concentrated, often maintaining its unique cultural identity and social networks within a larger society. These communities typically form in response to immigration patterns and provide support systems for newcomers, enabling them to navigate their new environment while preserving their heritage.
Chinese Exclusion Acts
A federal law enacted in 1882 that prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States. This law reflected the growing anti-Chinese sentiment during the late 19th century and marked a significant moment in U.S.. immigration policy, as it was the first law to explicitly restrict immigration based on nationality. It highlighted how migration affected social dynamics and contributed to racial discrimination, shaping the experiences of Asian immigrants in America.
White Australia Policy
A set of historical policies that aimed to restrict non-European immigration to Australia, primarily from the late 19th century until the mid-20th century. This policy reflected broader global attitudes towards race and migration, significantly influencing Australia’s demographic makeup and immigration patterns during its implementation.