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Any behavior by an individual that intentionally threatens or causes physical, sexual, or psychological harm to others or themselves.
Interpersonal Violence
Any incident of threatened, attempted, or actual harm between 2 or more people.
Domestic Violence
Acts of physical, sexual, or psychological violence within the family or domestic unit, including former or current partners.
Physical Violence
The intentional use of brute strength against someone, like pushing, punching, or beating with an object.
Sexual Violence
Any sexual act or act targeting a person's sexuality without consent, including sexual assault, harassment, and exploitation.
Psychological Violence
Actions leading to the deterioration of the victim's self-esteem, such as verbal abuse or misuse of power.
Child Maltreatment
Abuse and neglect towards children under 18, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Acts of physical, psychological, or sexual violence against a current or former intimate partner.
Battered Woman Syndrome
Psychological condition in female victims of persistent IPV, leading to depression, low self-esteem, and helplessness.
The killing of women due to gender-based violence, rooted in power imbalances in society.
Typology of Male Spousal Assaulters
Categorization based on behavior patterns, including family-only, dysphoric/borderline, and generally violent/antisocial assaulters.
Deviant Sexual Preference Hypothesis
Theory suggesting that sexually deviant behavior stems from intense deviant sexual preferences.
Cognitive Theories of Sexual Offending
Schemas and implicit theories influencing sexual offending behavior, including dysfunctional beliefs about sexuality.
The Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression
Model explaining sexual violence influenced by hostile masculinity and impersonal sexual orientation pathways.
Obsessional following or harassment directed towards an individual, causing fear for safety.
Besetting or watching a place where the other person is living or working, engaging in threatening conduct towards them or their family.
Prevalence rates
Rates of stalking behavior among women (3-5% annually, 15-17% lifetime) and men (1-2% annually, 5-7% lifetime).
Characteristics of stalkers
Most stalkers are male (80-90%), engage in various stalking behaviors, are typically older (mid-late 30s), have higher education levels, and are often former intimate partners of the victim.
Involves a range of behaviors like hyper-intimacy, threats, and real-life transfer, emerging from online encounters.
Stalking, Violence, & Risk Factors
Higher violence incidence when stalkers are under 30, lower-educated, stalking former partners, threatening harm, and have a history of substance abuse.